
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hweorfan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


Add: p. hwearf, pl. hwurfon, hweorfon; pp. hworfen. I. where there is motion from one place to another. (1) to move about, wander :-- Þá gástas þe for Gode hweorfað, Gn. C. 59. Lond-rihtes - mót monna ǽghwylc ídel hweorfan, B. 2888. Holt hweorfende, Rä, 57, 3. Hweorfende spatiantes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 83, 74. (1 a) fig. of non-material objects :-- Mín hyge hweorfeð ofer hreðer locan, mín módsefa. . . hweorfeð wíde, Seef. 58-60. (2) where the point to or from which motion is directed is marked. (a) of living creatures :-- Hwiðer hweorfað wé (whither shall we turn) . . . gif wé swícað þé ?, An. 405. Hwearf hé tó healle swá hé hraðost meahte, Az. 166: Sat. 190. Hwurfon hæleð geonge tó þám hǽðenan foran, Dan. 434. Hé wæs miclum geswenced ǽr hé þanon hwurfe, Chr. 982 ; P. 124, 29. Þú scealt hweorfan of earde þínum, Gen. 1018 : Wal. 81. Hweorfan tó þis enge lond, Cri. 31. Þider hweorfan, Dan. 203. ¶ with reflexive dative :-- Hé him siþþan hwearf tó Róme postea quam Roman venit, Ors. 5, 12 ; S. 242, 27. (b) of an inanimate object :-- Þæt fýr scýde tó þám þe þá scylde worhton, hwearf (hweorf, MS. ) on þá hǽðenan hæftas fram þám hálgum cnihton, Dan. 267. (2 α) where the point to which is that from which motion originally took place, to return, go back :-- Gǽstas hweorfað in bánfatu, Ph. 519. Hé siþþan hwearf hámweard tó Babylonia post Babylonian rediit, Ors. 3, 9; S. 136, 3. Paulinus huerf eft tó Cantwarum (hwearf eft tó Cent rediit Cantiam, Bd. 2, 20 ; Sch. 186, 24), Chr. 633 ; P. 24, 20. Þá hwearf sé ána in tó him rediit ipse solus, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 357, 21: 5, 19; Sch. 660, 22. His geféran hwurfan tó cyricean sociis ad ecclesiam reuersis, 4, 3 ; Sch. 352, 14. Hwurfon wíf on willan the women returned with delight, Gen. 2086. Gé nú eft hweorfað (hwurfað, ) and biddað reuertentes dicite, Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 357, 8. Þonne hé eft tó his éðle hweorfan (hwurfan, v. l.) wolde cum patriam reuerteretur, 5, 19; Sch. 659, 23. Wæs Maria eft hweorfende tó hire húse, Bl. H. 139, 3. (3) where the space through which or into which, or the line along which, motion is directed is given :-- Mægen monna cynnes hweorfað on wídne lég, Cri. 958 : Gú. 784. Hwearf heo bí bence, B. 1188. Hæleða bearn sculon on þæt líg tó þé hweorfan, Gen. 754: Sat. 419. ¶ with reflex, dat. :-- Wand hé him úp þanon, hwearf him þurh þá helldora, Gen. 447. (4) of the passage to the next world :-- Gástas hweorfon, sóhtou swegles dreámas, An. 640. II. of the course of events, to proceed :-- Gif seó wyrd swá hweorfan mót on yfelra manna gewill, Bt. 4; F. 8, 18. III. to turn. (1) of persons, to direct the mind to or from a person or subject :-- Búton se mon hweorfe tó góde, Bt. 31, 2 ; F. 112, 28. Lǽtaþ hine eft hweorfan tó minium lárum, 3, 1; F. 4, 24. (2) of things, to pass to or from the possession of a person :-- Þonne þá þing hwám from hweorfende beóð, hé hí sceal mid þám mǽstan sáre his módes forlǽtan. . . And hý þé willaþ on murcnunga gebringan þonne hié þé fram hweorfaþ, Bt. 7, 2 ; F. 18, 16-20. IV. to change (intrans. and trans. ) :-- Swáhit oft gesǣled on þǣm sēlran þingum þæt seó wyrd and sió hiów hié oft oncyrred and on ōþer hworfed ut aliquid plerumgue in secundis rebus fortana obstrepit, Nar. 7, 28. Hiǽ weorfaþ heora andwliotu. Mt. R. 6. 16. Se mōna is ǣfre se ylca þeáh de his leóht gelōmlīce hweorfe, Lch. iii. 242, 16. Hweorfende versicolor (versiculos, MS. but the passage is: Versicolor penna pavonis, Ald. 142, 22), Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 59. v. and-(B. 548), eft-, for-, ymb-hweorfan; sin-hweorfende; mis-, nīw-hworfen. hweorfan

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