
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hwīl-tīdum

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Substitute: hwīl-tīd, e; f. A time :-- Ic bidde eów þæt gē þises gewrites gīman and on hwīltīdum hit on gemynde habban, Wlfst. 108, 17. ¶ the word occurs almost only in the dat. pl. used as an adverb. Add to the examples in Dict. : (l) sometimes, as opposed to never, from time to time, now and again :-- Gehwilce untrumnyssa hwīltīdum þǣr wurdon gehǣlede, Hml. S. 36, 420. (2) at times, at intervals, as opposed to always or continuously :-- Cwyst þū hwæþer hittō gelȳfenne sȳ ꝥ þysum Godes þeówan mihte symble æt beón se wīte-dōmes gāst, hwæþer be hwīltīdum (per intervalla temporum) his mōd gefylde þæs wītedōmes gāst ?, Gr. D. 146, 5. (3) correlative, sometimes . . . at others :-- Hwīlt[īdum] . . . hwīltīdum modo . . . modo, An. Ox. 92-107. Sculan þā gebrōdra hwīltīdum (certis temporibus) beón ābyse-gode mid heora handa geswince, hwīltīdum (certis iterum) mid rǣdinge, R. Ben. 73, 4-6. Se mōna is hwīltīdum weaxende, hwīltīdum wani-ende, Hml. Th. ii. 214, 32. hwil-tidum