Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hwīlwend-lic
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hwīlwend-lic
- Take here the passages under hwīlend-lic, and add: I. of duration, temporary, not of long duration, not eternal :-- Ðreó þing synd on middanearde, ān is hwīlwendlic, þe hæfd ǣgder ge ordfruman ge ende. . . Ōder þing is ēce, swā ꝥ hit hæfd ordfruman and næfd nēnne ende. . . Ðridde þing is ēce, swā ꝥ hit næfd nādor ne ordfiumau ne ende, Hml. S. I. 25-31. Ān līf is hwīlwendlic, ōder ēce, Hml. Th. ii. 440, 4. Hī wǣron gehǣlede tō hwīlwendlicum līfe, 240, 15. Þǣra hǣdenra wīta synd hwīlwendlice, Hml. S. II, 127. For þissum hwī-wendlicum yflum brūcad dǣra ēcera gōda on worulda woruld, 30, 449. II. temporal, not spiritual :-- Ðām rīcan wæs forgolden mid dām hwīlwendlicum spēdum, Hml. Th. i. 332, 5. Hū hē geheólde þā hwīlwendlican geþincþu. Hml. S. 26, 113. II a. physical, not spiritual and eternal :-- Hit gedafenode Godes weorcum ꝥ se ælmihtiga, sē þe is ēce leóht, ǣrest ꝥ hwīlwendlice leóht geworhte congruit operibus Dei, ut a luce aeterna lux temporalis primo fieret, Angl. vii. 18, 159. hwilwend-lic