Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hyht
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- hyht
- m. [f. Ps. Th. 77, 53.] Hope, joyous expectation, joy :-- Hiht on Gode Hope in God, Homl. Th. ii. 602, 11. Ðære gástlícan strenge mycel hyht the great hope of spiritual strength, Blickl. Homl. 135, 28. Mé is hálig hyht on hine spes mea in Deo est, Ps. Th. 61, 7: 70, 4. Ðú eart hyht ealra ðe on ðysse eorþan útan syndon spes omnium finium terræ, 64, 6. Hwílum hié gehéton æt heargtrafum wigweorþunga bǽdon ðæt him gástbona geóce gefremede. Swylc wæs þeáw hyra hǽðenra hyht sometimes they vowed in their temples idolatrous honours, prayed that the destroyer of souls would afford them help. Such was their custom, such the hope of the heathens, Beo. Th. 360; B. 179. Ðú eart mín se sóða hiht tu es spes mea, Ps. Th. 141, 5. Ǽlc hyht lífes omnis spes vitæ, Rtl. 3, 28. Ðú cégst his noman Johannes and ðé biþ ðonne hyht and gefeá vocabis nomen suum Johannem et erit gaudium tibi et exultatio, Blickl. Homl. 165, 10. Lífes hyht and ealles leóhtés gefeá, Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 32; Cri. 585: 42 a; Th. 141, 23; Gú. 631. Ðǽr is hyht and blis there is joy and bliss, Exon. 18b; Th. 47, 5; Cri. 750: 15 b; Th. 33, 22; Cri. 529: 46 b; Th. 159, 14; Gú. 926. Ne biþ him tó hearpan hyge ne tó wífe wyn ne tó worulde hyht he hath no mind for the harp, nor delight in woman, nor joy in life, 82 a; Th. 308, 26; Seef. 45. Næs him tó máðme wyn hyht tó hordgestreónum, Andr. Kmbl. 2229; An. 1116. Sigbég hyhtes corona spei, Rtl. 1, 15. Hygtes, 3, 26. Is mé Moab mínes hyhtes hwer Moab olla spei meæ, Ps. Th. 59, 7. Ðære hǽlo ðe hé us tó hyhte forgeaf for the salvation which he hath given us to hope for, Exon. 16 b; Th. 38, 28; Cri. 613. Hæbbe ic mé tó hyhte heofonríces weard I have the guardian of the kingdom of heaven as my hope, 68 b; Th. 255, 10; Jul. 212. Hæfdon hym tó hyhte helle flóras beornende bealo they had the bottom of hell and burning torments to look forward to, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 8; Sat. 70. Nabbaþ wé tó hyhte nymþe weán and wítu we have nothing to expect but woe and punishments, 220; Th. 285, 9; Sat 335. Se beorn wæs on hyhte the man was in good hopes [of performing his journey], Andr. Kmbl. 478; An. 239; 1274; An. 637. Ic eom wunderlícu wiht wífum on hyhte I am a wondrous creature giving joy to women, Exon. 106 b; Th. 407, 7; Rä. 26, 1: Runic pm. Kmbl. 342, 16; Rún. 16. Hé hí on hihte holdre lǽdde deduxit eos in spe, Ps. Th. 77, 53. Ic háligne gást hyhte belúce emne swá écne I believe the Holy Ghost to be just as eternal, Hy. 10, 41; Hy. Grn. ii. 293, 41. Hé him forgeaf éces lífes hyht, Blickl. Homl. 137, 7. Hí on God ǽnne heora hyht gesetton they placed their hope on God only, 185, 15: Ps. Th. 113, 20. Beón ða ofdrǽdde ða ðe sint ofsette mid flǽsclícum lustum, and nabbaþ nǽnne hiht tó engla werode let those be afraid that are oppressed with fleshly lusts and have nothing to hope for from the angelic host, Homl. Th. i. 222, 29. Ðæt hí gleáwne hiht tó Gode hæfdan ut ponant in Deo spem suam, Ps. Th. 77, 9. Ic hiht on ðon hæbbe georne exultabo, 62, 7. Hyhta leáse helle sóhton hopeless they sought hell, Exon. 75 b; Th. 283, 18; Jul. 682. Hyhtum tó wuldre with hopes of glory, 116 b; Th. 448, 3; Dóm. 48. [O. E. Homl. huht, hiht: Orm. hihht: O. and N. hihte, hiȝte.] DER. tó-, woruld-hyht. hyht