
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - hyse

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A young man, warrior :-- Hyse cwom gangan there came a young man, Exon. 113 b; Th. 436, 14; Rä. 55, 1. Him be healfe stód hyse unweaxen cniht on gecampe by his side stood a youth not yet grown up, a boy in battle, Byrht. Th. 136, 17; By. 152. Hyse [Beowulf], Beo. Th. 2438; B. 1217: Andr. Kmbl. 1190; An. 595: 1622; An. 812: Elen. Kmbl. 1043; El. 523. Hé lét his francan wadan þurh ðæs hysses hals he pierced the man's neck with his javelin, Byrht. Th. 135, 60; By. 141. Hysse ðínum puero tuo, Ps. Th. 85, 15. Tó Abrahame his ágenum hysse ad Abraham puerum suum, 104, 37. Ðissum hysse hold gracious to this man, Andr. Kmbl. 1099; An. 550. Hysas, Byrht. Th. 135, 24; By. 123. Beornas feóllon, hyssas lágon, 135, 2; By. 112. Noldon ða hyssas hýran lárum hǽðnum the youths would not listen to heathen lore, Cd. 183; Th. 229, 14; Dan. 217: 184; Th. 230, 11; Dan. 231. Hét hyssa hwæne bade each man, Byrht. Th. 131, 2; By. 2: 135, 34; By. 128: Fins. Th. 96; Fin. 48.

Verwandte Wörter: þegn-hyse. hyse
