Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - íð
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iéð, ýð;
- íð
- ad :-- Ðæt hie hiera godum ðé iéð blótan mehten that they might the more easily sacrifice to their gods, Ors. 2, 2 ; Swt. 64, 29. Hwá meahte iéð monnum rǽdan bútan scylde ðonne se ðe hí gescóp quis principari hominibus tam sine culpa, quam is, qui hos nimirum regeret, quos ipse creaverat? Past. 3. 1; Swt. 33, 16. Ðý ýþ, Exon. 120 b ; Th. 463, 6 ; Hö. 66. v. eáðe, éð. ið,iþ