
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ídel

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adj. I. empty :-- Tó hwan mæg ðis eorþlíce hús gif hit ýdel stent? Hit ne biþ ná hús búton hit beó mid híréde áfylled what purpose can this earthly house serve, if it stand empty? It is not a house unless it be filled with a household, Homl. Th. ii. 502, 12. Is nú forðí gehwilcum men tó hogienne ðæt hé ýdel ne cume his Drihtne tógeánes on ðam gemǽnelícum ǽriste now is it therefore for every man to take care that he come not empty-handed to meet his Lord at the general resurrection, 558, 18. Ðonne se geohsa of ðære ídlan wambe cymþ when the hiccup comes from the empty stomach, L. M. 1, 18; Lchdm. ii. 60, 28. Ídelne hine forléton dimiserunt eum inanem, Lk. Skt. 20, 10, 11. Sáwle ídle animam inanem, Ps. Th. 106, 8. Hé forlét ða rícan ídele, Homl. Th. i. 204, 6. II. not possessing, destitute, void, devoid [with gen.] :-- Londrihtes mót monna ǽghwilc ídel hweorfan every man must wander destitute of land-right, Beo. Th. 5768; B. 2888. Se deófol on sumum uncystum gebringþ ðone ðe hé gemét ídelne ǽlces gódes weorces the devil brings into some vices him whom he finds devoid of every good work, L. E. I, 3; Th. ii. 404, 13. Ða ðe ídle beóþ swelcra giefa those who are devoid of such gifts, Past. 9 ; Swt. 59. 17. III. vain, useless, idle, to no purpose :-- Seó eorþe wæs ýdel and æmtig terra erat inanis et vacua, Gen. 1, 2. Ídel sangere temelici, Ælfc. Gl. 61; Som. 68, 57; Wrt. Voc. 39, 40. Eall eówer geswinc biþ ídel consumetur incassum labor vester, Levain is the medicine that cannot heal the sick; so also is the doctrine vain that does not heal the sins of the soul, Homl. Th. i. 60, 11. Wese wíc heora wéste and ídel fiat habitatio eorum deserta, Ps. Th. 68, 26. Unnyt oððe ýdel supervacuus, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 46. Oft biþ swíðe íðel and unnyt ðara yfelena manna hreówsung plerumque mali inutiliter compunguntur, Past. 54, 4; Swt. 431, 1. Ðes wída grund stód ídel and unnyt, Cd. 5; Th. 7, 14; Gen. 106 : Beo. Th. 830; B. 413 : 293; B. 145. Man byþ merwe gesceaft mihtum ídel homo vanitati similis factum est, Ps. Th. 143. 5. Ídel gelp him on ne rícsode vanæ gloriæ contemptorem, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 9. Ídel gylp vanitas, Ps. Th. 51, 6. Ídel searu, 138, 17. Ídel gielp inanis gloria, Past. 62, 1; Swt. 457, 20. Ídel wuldor vainglory, Exon. 33 a; Th. 107, 12; Gú. 57. Hé nǽfre nóht leásunga ne ídeles leóþes wyrcean ne mihte nihil unquam frivoli et supervacui poematis facere potuit, Bd. 4, 14; S. 596, 42. Ða bodan ðæs ídlan fætes the messengers of the useless vessel, Past. 47, 3 ; Swt. 361, 16. Hig ðá æfter ridon ídelum færelde they rode after, but their journey was to no purpose, Jos. 2, 7. Guman geþancas ídle synt cogitationes hominum vanæ sunt, Ps. Th, 93, 11. Ðǽr ðæt heáfod biþ unhál eall ða limu bióþ ídelu languente capite membra incassum vigent, Past. 18, 2 ; Swt. 129, 8. Ýdele spellunga fabulæ, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 29; Som. 52, 2. Ne hí dǽr ǽnig unnit ne geþafian ne ídele spǽce ne ídele dǽde, L. Edg. C. 26; Th. ii. 250, 6: Hy. 7, 108; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 108. Ídel word idle words, Exon. 37 a ; Th. 120, 30; Gú. 279. On ídel in vain; nequiquam, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 55. On ídel gé swincaþ and eówre fýnd his brúcaþ frustra seretis sementem, quæ ab hostibus devorabitur, Lev. 26, 16. Ne nemne gé drihtnes naman on ídel, Deut. 5, 11. Ne sint hig eów on ídel beboden non incassum præcepta sunt vobis, 32, 47. On ídel hí mé wurðiaþ in vanum me colunt, Mk. Skt. 7, 7 : Ps. Th. 62, 8. IV. idle, unemployed :-- Hé geseah óðre on strǽte ídele standan vidit alios stantes in foro otiosos, Mt. Kmbl 20, 3. Hwí stande gé hér eallne dæg ídele, 6 : Exon 92 a; Th. 345, 6; Gn. Ex. 184. [Orm. Piers P. Chauc. on ídel in vain : O. Sax. ídal: O. Frs. ídel : O. H. Ger. ítal vanus, inanis : Ger. eitel.] v. mán-ídel. idel

Verwandte Wörter: 26, 20. Ýdel biþ se lǽcedom ðe ne mæg ðone untruman gehǽlan, swá biþ eác ýdel seó lár ðe ne gehǽlþ ðære sáwle leahtras
