Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - ildra
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- ildra
- m. ildre; f. n. comp. of eald. I. elder, older, grand [in grand father, cf. eald-fæder, -móder] :-- Ældra senior, Wrt. Voc. ii.120, 48. Seó yldre hátte Lia and seó gingre Rachel nomen majoris Lia, minor vero appellabatur Rachel, Gen. 29, 16. Hys yldra sunu wæs on æcere erat filius ejus senior in agro, Lk. Skt. 15, 25. Mín yldra mǽg my elder brother, Beo. Th. 940; B. 468. Yldra bróðor, 2653 ; B. 1324. Óþ ðæt hé yldra wearþ until he got older, 4746; B. 2378. Ic eom micle yldra I am much older, Exon. 111 a; Th. 424, 20; Rä. 41, 42. Ældra fæder avus, Wrt.Voc. ii, 101, 22. Yldra fæder avita, 78, 3. Geornful tó witanne ðætte ǽr wæs ǽr dú ácenned wére oððe furðum ðín yldra fæder geboren wére desirous to know what was before you were begotten, or even before your grandfather was born, Shrn. 198, 29: Elen. Kmbl. 872; El. 436. For míne sáwle and for mínes fæder and for mínes ieldran fæder for my soul, and for my father's, and for my grandfather's, Chart. Th. 496, 21 : 497, 15. Þurh heora yldran módor láre hí gelýfdon gode through their grandmother's teaching they believed on God, Shrn. 53, 10, 16, 21. Ða gingran árisaþ wið ðám yldrum the younger shall arise against the elder, Blickl. Homl. 171, 23. Swelce snytro swylce manegum óðrum ieldran gewittum oftogen is such wisdom as is withheld from many older minds, Bt. 8 ; Fox 24, 28. II, greater, superior [quis major est qui recumbit an qui ministrat? Lk. Skt. 22, 27. Gewurþe hé swá swá gingra seðe yldra ys betwux eów qui major est in vobis fiat sicut junior, 26. Ða ðe synt yldran habbaþ anweald on him qui majores sunt, potestatem exercent in eos, Mt. Kmbl. 20, 25. [Orm. elldre : Laym. ældre, eldere : O. Sax. aldiro (as a noun) : Icel. ellri : O. H. Ger. altero.] v. next word. ildra