Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - in-fær
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- in-fær
- Add: m. I. an entrance, a way by which a place is entered :-- His folce ðú scealt heofenan ríces infær geopenian. Hml. Th. ii. 134, 15. Þæt se ungesewena wulf infær ne geméte hwanon hé in tó Godes eówde cume ne lupus inuisibilis aditum inueniat, quo ouile Domini ingredi ualeat, Chrd. 21, 13. II. a going into a place :-- Hig geseágon þine infæras (ingressus), infæras mínes Godes, Ps. L. 67, 25. III. right or permission to enter :-- Wite hé þæt him ǽlces infæres forwyrned bið sciat omnem sibi aditum denegari, R. Ben. 53, 16. Ne sig him ná eáðelíce þæs infæres getíðod (non ei facilis tribuatur ingressus) ... Gif hé bit þæt him mon infæres tíþige, 95, 4-8. Hí noldon geðafian þám bisceope ꝥ hé infær hæfde his ǽrende tó ábeódenne, Hml. S. 31, 655. Þæt hé preósta gatu ... lúce and unlúce, ꝥ man næbbe infær bútan leáfe (ut nulli nisi per licentiam aditus pateat intrandi), Chrd. 20, 10. in-fær