
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - in-gehygd

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

-hýd, e;

f : es; n. Thought, mind, intent, sense, knowledge, understanding, conscience, intention, purpose :-- Hwæt fremaþ ðé ðæt ðín cyst stande ful mid gódum and ðín ingehýd beó æmtig ǽlces gódes what doth it profit thee that thy chest stand full of good things, and thy mind be empty of every good thing? Homl. Th. ii. 410, 11. Ðæs mannes wísdóm is árfæstnys and sóð ingehýd ðæt heó yfel forbúge the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding, Homl. Skt. 1, 237. Ǽfæstre ingehýde religiosæ intentionis, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 10. Treów ingehýdes gódes and yfeles lignum scientiæ boni et mali, Gen. 2, 9. Gé ætbrudun ðæs ingehýdes cǽge tulistis clavem scientiæ, Lk. Skt. 11, 52. Cherubin is gecweden gefyllednys ingehýdes oððe gewittes, Homl. Th. i. 344, 3. Úre wuldor is seó gecýðnys úres ingehýdes our glory is the testimony of our conscience, ii. 564, 32. Mid ealle inngehygde heortan mínre in toto corde meo, Ps. Th. 118, 145. Ðá onwende heó hine fram ðare yfelan ingehygde his módes revocavit eum illa ab intentione, Bd. 2, 12; S. 574. 37. Wæs se ylca munuc mid hluttre ingehýde ðæs upplícan edleánes erat idem monachus pura intentione supernæ retributionis, 4, 3 ; S. 567, 18. Ðá andwyrde eugenia and cwæþ mid ðisum ingehýde ðæt ða gewylnunga ðissere andweardan worulde synt swíðe swicole then answered Eugenia and spoke to this effect, that the desires of this present world are very deceitful, Homl. Skt. 2, 163. Mid ingehygde conscientia, Ps. Stethe Holy Ghost gave them knowledge of all languages, Homl. Th. i. 318, 13. Sumum men hé forgifþ wísdom sumum gód ingehýd to one man he gives wisdom, to another good knowledge [cf. 1 Cor. xii. 8], 322, 26. Wæter getácnaþ on ðyssere stówe mennisc ingehýd, ii. 280, 2. Ða [the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit] sind wisdóm and andgit, rǽd and strengþ, ingehýd and ǽrfæstnys; Godes ege is se seofoða, 292, 23. Hé heóld his þeáwas swá swá heálíc biscop and his munelíce ingehýd swá þeáh betwux mannum he behaved as an exalted bishop, and yet to all intents and purposes was a monk among men, 506, 13. Hí hæfdon ðæt góde ingehýd on heora heortan ðæt hí woldon Gode ánum gecwéman and ná cépan dysegra manna herunge they had the good sense in their hearts, to wish to please God only, and not to care for the praise of foolish men, 564, 29. Seó gelaðung geopenaþ Criste hire ingehýd and ða dígelan geþohtas on sóðre andetnysse the church opens her mind and secret thoughts to Christ in true confession, 586, 20. Ðus áfandaþ God his gecorenan, ná swilce hé nyte heora ingehýd, Boutr. Scrd. 23, 7. Ðæt gold getácnode úrne geleáfan and úre góde ingehíd ðe wé Gode offrian sceolon, Gen. pref. Thw. 3, 33. On ðam is godcundnesse wén ðe manna ingehygd wát and can, Blickl. Homl. 179, 26. Ða eorþlícan sorga hie forléton and ða ingehýd heora heortan ful fæstlíce on ðone heofonlican hyht gestaþelodon they dismissed earthly cares, and fixed full firmly the intents of their heart on the heavenly hope, 135. 29. Ingehýd conscientias, Hymn. Surt. 127, 8. Ic ingehygd eal geondwlíte I survey all his mind, Exon. 71 b; Th. 266, 16; Jul. 399. Sió swíðe gedrǽfþ sefan ingehygd monna gehwelces sorely does it trouble the thought of every man's mind, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 84; Met. 25, 42. God ingehýda drihten is Deus scientiarum dominus est, Cantic. An. 3. [Cf. in-geþanc.] in-gehygd

Verwandte Wörter: ii. 203, 11. Se Hálga Gǽst him forgeaf ingehýd ealra gereorda
