Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - in-híwan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
-hígan ;
- in-híwan
- pl. Members of a household, of a convent, domestics :-- Gif gesíþcund mon þingaþ wið cyning for his inhíwum if a 'gesithcund' man make terms with the king for his household, L. In. 50; Th. i. 134, 3. Ǽlce gǽre áne dægfeorme inhiowum every year one day's provision for the members of the convent, Chart, Th. 509, 14. Gie aron inhígo godes estis domestici Dei, Rtl. 82, 33. [Cf. Al mi nestfalde cun beoð me meast feondes and mine inhinen alre meast hearmen, Jul. 33, 5.]