Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - in-land
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
es ;
- in-land
- n.' Demesne land, that part of a domain which the lord retained in his own hands, in contradistinction to út-land terra tenementalis, signifying land granted out for services; terra dominicalis, pars manerii dominica' :-- Wulfége ðæt inland and ælfége ðæt útland, Chart. Th. 502, 13. Sex æceras innlondes ǽgðer ge mǽdlondes ge eyrþlondes, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 95, 16. xxx hída .ix inlandes and xxi. hída gesettes landes ... is sum inland sum hit is tó gafole gesett thirty hides, nine of 'inland' and twenty-one hides of let land ... some is' inland,' some of it is let, iii. 450, 11-18. Ǽgðer ge of þegnes inlande ge of geneátlande, L. Edg. i. 1 ; Th. i. 262, 8. Ðat inlond ðe Leófríc hædde for his eádmódre hérsumnesse, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl iii. 256, 11. His hláfordes inland, L. R. S. 3; Th. i. 432, 27. in-land