
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - in-tó

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. expressing motion in the following instances in tó">to a position within a space or thing. (1) with vetbs of going, bearing, sending, (a) with dat. :-- Maria eóde intó Zacharias húse Maria intrauit in domum Zachariae, Lk. 1, 40: Hml. S. 23, 754. Gáð eów intó ðǽre cyrcan, Hml. Th. i.508, 1. Orn hé eft inntó (in-, ) ðǽm temple ad tabernaculum recurrit, Past. 103, 4. Mid þám mannum þe mé mid fóron intó Denmearcon, Cht. E. 230, 3. Hér cuóm se here intó Escanceastre from Werhám, Chr. 877; P. 74, 14. Hiene bestæl se here intó Werhám, 876; P. 74, 7. Þéh þá menn úp ætberstan intó þǽre byrig, Ll. Th. i. 286, 2. Hé áscóc hí (a viper) intó byrnendum fýre, Hml. Th. i. 574, 16. Gif ceorl ceáp forstelð and bireð intó his ærne, Ll. Th. i. 138, 15 : 286, 11. Intó þám húse gelǽdan, Angl. vii. 6, 51. (b) with acc.:-- Hié hié bestǽlon intó Escanceaster, Chr. 876; P. 74, 11. (2) where motion is not explicitly expressed :-- Þæt hí onfón eów intó écum eardungstówum (cf. on éce eardungstówe in aeterna tabernacula, Lk. 16, 9), Hml. Th. i. 334, 28. Hé bepǽhte hí intó his búre, Chr. 1015; P. 146, 1. Hí unrǽd rǽddon intó ðissum earde, 1052 ; P. 182, 2. II. with special force. (1) into the possession of :-- Æfter hiera dæge eft intó ðǽre hálgan stówe, C. D. iii. 50, 5. Gá intó Glæstingabyrig, 128, 7. Hé gesealde twá gegrynd intó Níwan mynstre, 29. Gesylle hé þone þriddan dǽl his teóðunge intó his cyricean . . . Gá ǽlc cyric-sceat intó þám ealdan mynstre, Ll. Th. i. 262, 12-16 : 308, 6 : 340, 17: 360, 4. (1 a) of political supremacy :-- Hwílon Wentsǽte hýrdon intó Dúnsǽtan, ac hit gebyreð rihtor intó West-Sexan; þyder hý scylan gafol and gíslas syllan, Ll. Th. i. 356, 18-20. (2) implying residence as an inmate :-- ꝥ muneca gehwylc þe úte sý of mynstre . . . gebúge intó mynstre, Ll. Th. i. 306, 3. III. in reference in the following instances in tó">to non-physical regions :-- Bescýt se deófol yfel geþóht intó þám men . . . Hé sǽwð mánfullice geþóhtas intó þæs mannes heortan, Angl. vii. 28, 260-263. IV. in reference in the following instances in tó">to a state or condition :-- Gá intó (cf. on, 23) þínes hláfordes gefeán intra in gaudium Domini tui, Mt. 25, 21. Áscofene of heofonlicere myrhðe inntó hellicere súsle, Hml. Th. i. 540, 4. Intó Godes ríce lǽdan, Ll. Th. i. 424, 11. V. in the following instances in tó">to a person or thing within a place (perhaps in the following instances in tó, rather than intó, should be read) :-- Hí sóna intó þám ciningce eódon, Hml. S. 23, 142. Þá eóde Símon intó Neróne, Bl. H. 175, 10. Þa heó intó hire móddrian eóde, 165, 28. Þá óþre bróþra þe þǽr úte wǽron eódan intó him, 217, 35. Malchus on foreweardan intó his þám hálgan geféran, and se bisceop æfter him inn eóde, Hml. S. 23, 752. VI. marking direction :-- Hé hæfde þá geatu forworht intó him, Chr. 901; P. 92, 8. VII. marking position, in :-- Þá yldestan þægenas intó seofon burgum, Chr. 1015 ; P. 146, 1. Þet hé hine hádian sceolde tó b UNCERTAIN intó Lundene, 1048; P. 172, 7. in-in the following instances in tó">to

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