Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - íwan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- íwan
- p. de To show, bring before the eyes, display, reveal :-- Ýweþ and yppeþ shews and reveals, Salm. Kmbl. 985; Sal. 494. Ðá ýwde hé ðǽr synne wisan culpam esse demonstravit, Bd. 1, 27; S. 496, 2. Ðá ýwde ic him sóna ða ylcan bóc ðara reogola quibus statim protuli eundem librum canonum, 4, 5 ; S. 572, 25. Mid his sylfes dǽde ýwde and cýdde propria actione præmonstraret, 4, 27; S. 604, 40. Ýwaþ mé ánne peninc ostendite mihi denarium, Lk. Skt. 20, 24. Wénþ gif hé hit him iéwe ðæt hé him nylle geþafigean ðæt hé hine sníðe he expects, if he show it [the knife] to him, that he will not allow him to cut him, Past. 26, 3 ; Swt. 185, 25. Ðíne miltse ýwe show thy mercy, Exon. 11 b; Th. 15, 32; Cri. 245. Ðæt land ðe ic ðé ýwan wille the land that I will show thee, Cd. 83; Th. 105, 11 ; Gen. 1751. Ord and ende ðæs ðe him ýwed wæs the beginning and end of what was revealed to him, 180; Th. 225, 31; Dan. 162. DER. æt-, ge-, óþ-íwan [-ýwan] ; and see eáwan, eówan. iwan