Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - lá
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- lá
- I. interj. Lo! Oh! Ah! :-- Lá næddrena cyn Oh! generation of vipers, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 7: 12, 34. Lá ðú líccetere, 7, 5. Lá freónd amice, 22, 12. Lá Drihten Domine, Ps. Th. 21, 17: 118, 176. Lá hú oft hí gremedon hine quotiens exacerbaverunt eum! Ps. Spl. 77, 45. Áfæst lá and hí lá hí and wel lá well and ðyllíce óðre syndon englisc interjectiones, Ælfc. Gr. 48; Som. 49, 28. Weg lá weg lá euge, euge, Ps. Th. 69, 4. Wá lá se tówyrpþ ðæt tempel ua qui destruit templum, Mk. Skt. 15, 29. Wá lá áhte ic mínra handa geweald alas! had I power over my hands, Cd. 19; Th. 23, 32; Gen. 368. Wá lá wá heu, proh dolor! Bd. 2, 1; 8. 501, 14. Wei lá wei, [cf. Chauc. weilawey Shakspere welladay] Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 12, Cott. MS. Wel lá men wel oh! men, 34, 8; Fox 144, 23. Wel lá, Bt. Met. Fox 21, 1; Met. 21, 1. II. Enclitic particle used to emphasise interrogation, exclamation, entreaty, affirmation, negation :-- Understenst ðú lá sentisne, wylt ðú lá visne, Ælfc. Gr. 44; Som. 45, 47. Is ðǽr genoh lá satisne est, Som. 46, 40. Hú lá ne wurpe wé þrý cnihtas intó ðam fýre why, did not we cast three youths into the fire? Homl. Th. ii. 20, 12. Wénst ðú lá ðæt ðú beó álýsed fram ðisum tintregum do you suppose then that you will be released from these torments? Homl. Th. i. 424, 29. Dá cwæþ ic hwæt is ðæt lá then said I 'what then is that?' Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 14, Hwæt is ðæt lá þinga? 38, 3; Fox 200, 2. Hwæt is ðis lá manna? Elen. Kmmbl. 1802; El. 903. Hwæt biþ hit lá elles búton flǽsc seoddan se écea dǽl of biþ hwæt biþ lá elles seó láf búton wvrma mete why, what else is it but flesh when the eternal part is away? what else then is the remnant but worms food? Blickl. Homl. 111, 31. Hwǽr biþ lá ðonne se ídla lust? hwær beóþ ðonne ða symbelnessa? 58, 16. Is ðis lá wundorlíc and winsum spell this is indeed a wonderful and delightful speech, Bt. 34, 5; Fox 140, 10. Ðæt lá mæg secgan se ðe sóð and riht fremeþ that indeed may he say who does truth and right, Beo. Th. 3404; B. 1700: 5720; B. 2864. Ðæt lá wæs fæger, Cd. 223; Th. 293, 18; Sat. 457. Uton lá geþencan let us then determine, 227; Th. 305, 9; Sat. 644. Ac feor ðæt lá sí ðæt ... sed absit ut ... Bd. 1, 27, S. 490, 24. Ic ðæs lá wísce ðæt wegas míne on ðínum willan weorðan gereahte I do indeed wish that my ways may be directed according to thy will; utinam dirigantur viæ meæ, Ps. Th. 118, 5. Bidde ic ðé lá gif ... precorque si ... Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 40: 4, 3; S. 568, 27: Dóm. L. 6, 65. Nese lá nese, Bt. 27, 2; Fox 96, 27.