
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - lád-teów

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A leader, guide, conductor, a leader in war, general :-- ǼAnne of þám þrím englum ða ðe him on ǽghwæðere gesihþe ládteów wæs unum de tribus angelis, qui sibi in tota utraque visione ductores adfuerunt, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 31. Ðæt hé his ládteów beón sceolde on Breotone ut ipse eum perduceret Brittaniam, 4, 1; S. 564, 15. Hengest se ðe wæs ǽrest ládteów and heretoga Angelcynnes on Breotene Hengist qui Brittaniam primus intravit, 2, 5; S. 506, 34. Hé sende fyrd ðære wæs Beotht ládteów and heretoga misso cum exercitu duce Bercto, 4, 26; S. 602, 5. Ládteáw, Bt. tit. 36; Fox xviii. 4. Láteáu, Kent. Gl. 131. Ládtow dux, Ps. Surt. 30, 4: 54, 14. Mín ládþeów dux mihi, Ps. Th. 30, 4: Ps. Spl. C. 54, 14. Dú eart ǽgðer ge weg ge ládþeów tu semita, dux, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132. 37. Látteów dux, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 49. Heretoga and látteów dux, Bd. 1, 16; S. 484, 18. Látteów wæs ðara leóda duces eorum, Ps. Th. 67, 25. Ic eom ealdor and látteów drihtnes heres sum princeps exercitus domini, Jos. 5, 14. Wilferþ bæd ðæt hé him ðæs siiþfætes látteów wǽre Vilfridum ducem sibi itineris fieri rogaret, Bd. 4, 5; S. 571, 35: 2, 20; S. 521, 41. Látteów ðæs weges, Ælfc. T. Grn. 18, 11. God, lífes látteów, Elen. Kmbl. 1037; El. 520: 1794; El. 899. Lífes látþeów, Cd. 147; Th. 184, 8; Exod. 104. Wæs ðæt se mín látþeów se ðe mé ǽr lǽdde ille erat ipse qui me ante ducebat, Bd. 5, 12: S. 629, 8. Látþeów ductor, S. 629, 40. Látþeów dux, Ps. Spl. 54, 14. Lífes láððeów the guide of life, Dóm. L. 52, 9. Ðes and ðeós láteów oððe heretoga hic et hæc dux, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 14, 9: Wrt. Voc. 72, 60. Drihten ðe eówer láteów ys dominus qui ductor est vester, Deut. 31, 8. Ðæt hé ðæs látteówes lárum hýre that he listen to the guide's instructions, Exon. 37 b; Th, 124, 5; Gú. 335: Elen. Kmbl. 2417; El. 1210. Hé sóhte hine him tó látðeówe on ðæm wege ducem requirebat in via, Past. 41, 5; Swt. 305, 5. Seó leó gif heó blódes onbirigþ ábít ǽrest hire ládteów the lioness, if she tastes blood, will first rend her keeper; primusque lacer dente cruento domitor rabidas imbuit iras, Bt. 25; Fox 38, 14. Þurh sume ða Wyliscean ðe him tó wǽron cumen and his lǽdteówas wǽron by means of some of the Welsh who had come to him and were his guides, Chr. 1097; Erl. 233, 39. Hig synt blinde and blindra látteówas (Lind. látuas) cæci sunt, duces cæcorum, Mt. Kmbl. 15, 14. Wǽron heora látteówas and heretogan twegen gebróðra Hengest and Horsa, Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 27. Ic mé ðá mid genom .cc. ládþeówa and eác. l. ðe ða génran wegas cúðan ðara síðfato acceptis .cl. ducibus qui brevitates itinerum noverant, Nar. 6, 7. Gé preóstas synd gesette tó láðþeówum and tó láreówum ofer Godes folc. L. Ælfc. P. 5; Th. ii. 366, 4. Him ðá Rómáne æfter ðæm ládteówas gesetton, ðe hie consulas héton, Ors. 2, 2; Swt. 68, 2. Ealle míne ládþeówas ðe mec on swelc earfeðo gelǽddon locorum demonstratores qui nos in insidias deducebant, Nar. 16, 25. In Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 2, 6: Rtl. 38, 15: 193, 15, the form látwa with pl. látuas, Mt. 15, 14, occurs; also látwu, Rtl. 193, 17, 19; and in 2, 5 látuan glosses ducere. [O. E. Homl. latteu a guide: Jul. lauerd, lines lattow: cf. Icel. leið-togi a guide.]

Verwandte Wörter: under-ládteów. lad-teow
