
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - land-riht

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


n. I. the law of the land, the rights and privileges belonging to the inhabitant of a country or to the owner of land[?] :-- Londrihtes mót ðære mǽgburge monna ǽghwilc ídel hweorfan shall each man of the family wander lacking the rights of those who live in the land, Beo. Th. 5765; B. 2886. Grimm, R. A. 731 q. a communi jure alienus existeret.' See also pp. 39-42. Mid rihtum landrihte swá hit on lande stonde in accordance with the regular law of the land, as it stands in the land, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 435, 35. Unc módige ymb mearce sittaþ .. ne willaþ rúmor unc landriht heora round our border sit bold ones, who will not more largely allow us their landright, i.e. will not allow us to possess more land in their country, Cd. 91; Th. 114, 28; Gen. 1911. Hé landriht geþah he received landright, he was settled in the country with the right of a native, 161; Th. 200, 10; Exod. 354. Áhte ic fela wintra folgaþ tilne holdne hláford óððæt Heorrenda nú leóðcræftig mon londryht geþah ðæt mé eorla hleó ǽr gesealde good service had I for many a winter, a kind lord; until now Heorrenda, a man skilled in song, has received land right; the prince had before given me that, i.e. H. was now admitted, as Deór had been before, to the rights of a native, and had succeeded in attracting to himself the favour before shown to Deór, Exon. 100 b; Th. 379, 29; Deór. 40. II. that which is due from land or estates :-- Ðegenes lagu is ðæt hé þreó þinc of his lande dó ... Eác of manegum landum máre landriht áríst tó cynges gebanne the law as regards the thane is that he do three things for his land. Also for many lands or estates, more extensive dues arise upon decree of the king, L. R. S. 1; Th. i. 432, 6. [O. Sax. land-reht law of the land e.g. iró aldironó éo, theró liudió landreht: O. Frs. land-riucht: O. H. Ger. lant-reht jus, lex: Ger. land-recht common law.] land-riht

Verwandte Wörter: quotes in illustration from Saxo the order of Frotho: 'Si quis in acie primus fugam capesseret,
