Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - lang
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- adj. LONG, tall :-- Hé sǽde ðæt ðæt land síe swíðe lang norþ ðonan he said that the land stretches thence far to the north, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 17, 4. Se wudu is eástlang and westlang hundtwelftiges míla lang oððe lengra the wood, measuring from east to west, is a hundred and twenty miles long, or longer, Chr. 893; Erl. 88, 28. Ðæt is þrittiges míla lang eást and west habet ab oriente in occasum triginta circiter milia passuum, Bd. 1, 3; S. 475, 19. Ðæt hé wǽre lang on bodige quod esset vir longæ staturæ, 2, 16; S. 519, 33. Ðæt is nú ðæs líchoman gód ðæt man síe fæger and lang and brád, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 32. Eádweard se langa, Byrht, Th. 139, 53; By 273. Se biþ lang lífes and welig he shall be longlived and wealthy, Lchdm. iii. 156, 18. Næs lang tó ðý ðæt his bróðor ðyses lǽnan lífes tíman geendode it was not long before his brother died, 434, 24. Nis hit lang tó ðon, Bd. 4, 24; S. 599, 5. Hié tealdon ðætte Israhéla ríce sceolde beón hér on eorþan mycel and lang they reckoned that the kingdom of Israel should be great and lasting here on earth, Blickl. Homl. 117, 18. Tó langum gemynde as a lasting memorial, Homl. Skt. pref. 51. Langere tíde tanto tempore, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 11. Mid langre ádle longo morbo, 3, 9; S. 534, 5. Ofer swá langne weg sǽs and landes per tam prolixa terrarum et maris spatia, 2, 18; S. 520, 36. Ealle ðás naman habbaþ langne .o. on eallum casum all these nouns have long o in all cases, Ælfc. Gr. 9; Som. 8, 52. Ðá andswarode hé ymbe long then answered he after long, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 8. Lange tíde multis temporibus, Lk. Skt. 8, 27, 29. Hiwgende lang gebed simulantes longam orationem, 20, 47. Ða beóþ eahta and feówertiges elna lange and ða mǽstan fíftiges elna lange. Ors. 1, 1; Swt.18, 6. Ða ðe tó lang tó secgenne syndon which are too long to narrate, Bd. 3, 8; S. 532, 12. Wæs se líchoma sponne lengra ðære þrýh corpus mensura palmi longius erat sarcofago, 4, 11; S. 580, 5. sarcofago, 4, 11; S. 580, 5. Ne bip hé lengra ðonne syfan elna lang, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 4. Ðis eálond hafaþ mycele lengran dagas on sumera ðonne ða súþdǽlas middangeardes, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 32. Ðá bebeád hé ðæt him mon lengran cwidas beforan cwǽde præcepit eum sententias longiores dicere, 5, 2; S. 615; 14. Ða onfóþ lengestne dóm hi accipient prolixius judicium, Mk. 12, 40. [The word occurs in all the Teutonic dialects.] DER. and-, dæg-, ealdor-, ge-, morgen-, niht-, sumor- lang; it also is found in combination with the words denoting the points of the compass, eást-lang, &c. lang,-lang