Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - lecg
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- lecg
- f. Some part of a weapon, the cross bar in the hilt[?] :-- Án handsex and [an?] ðæræ lecge is hundeahtati mancussa goldæs, Chart. Th. 527, 9. Leo takes lecg = gift, legacy, and then a dish of three pounds and a cup of equal amount would go to make up the amount of eighty mancusses. As regards the value of a handseax, Chart. Th. 501, 5 may be quoted, where one worth eighty mancusses is mentioned. [Cf. ledge, a bar E. D. S. Publ. B. 20: ledge the horizontal bar of a gate, Lincolnshire. In Prompt. Parv. legge, ouer twarte byndynge ligatorium, occurs: other words that suggest themselves by their form for comparison are M. H. Ger. lecke leiste, saum: O. H. Ger. legge tornaturus, intransversum ligna tornata: Icel. lögg the ledge or rim at the bottom of a cask.] lecg