
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - leód-biscop

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A bishop of a district, province, or diocese, a bishop subordinate to an archbishop, a suffragan. The leódbiscop ranks with the ealdorman, the arcebiscop with the æþeling. In Rtl. 194, 34-40 occurs the following 'Chore episcopi; Grece core, Latine vicari, episcopi: hii in vicis et villis constituti habentes licentiam constituere gradum minorem, non presbiterum neque diaconum, propter scientiam episcopi in cujus regione est.' The Greek form is here glossed by liódbiscop, the Latin by scírebiscop. Ercebisceop archiepiscopus; leódbisceop, episcopus, Wrt. Voc. 71, 70, 71. Se hálga Cúðbertus Lindisfarnensiscere gelaþunge leódbiscop [cf. hé wæs tó biscope gecoren ðære cyricean æt Lindisfarena eá, Bd. 4, 28; S. 606, 7], Homl. Th. ii. 148, 22. Gif hwá arcebisceopes oððe æþelinges borh abrece ... Gif hwá leódbisceopes oððe ealdormannes, L. C. S. 69; Th. i. 408, 8-10. Ðæt Turonisce folc hine geceás him tó leódbiscope the people of Tours chose him as their bishop, Homl. Th. ii. 506, 3: Chr. 971; Erl. 125, 34. Bútan hit beforan cyninge oððe leódbisceope oððe ealdormen beó, Chart. Th. 612, 13. Séce man tó ðam leódbiscope; and gif man furþor scule tó ðam arcebiscope; and syððan tó ðam pápan, Wulfst. 275, 6. Gif hé sóhte leódbiscop oððe ealdorman ðonne áhte hé vii nihta griþ, L. Eth. vii. 5; Th. i. 330, 14. Ðá bǽdon ealle ða leódbisceopas ðone hálgan apostoi ðæt hé ða feórþan bóc gesette then all the provincial bishops asked the apostle to compose the fourth gospel, Homl. Th. i. 70, 6. Hé létt gewrítan hú mycel landes his arcebiscopas hæfdon and his leódbiscopas and his abbodas and his eorlas, Chr. 1085; Erl. 218, 30. [Mid arcebiscopes and leódbiscopes and abbotes, 1125; Erl. 254, 8. Ealle ða leódbiscopes ða ðá wǽron on Englalande, 1129; Erl. 258, 10.] [Icel. adopts from English ljóð-, lýð-biskup a suffragan bishop.] Cf. scír-biscop. leod-biscop