
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - leógan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. leáh; pl. lugon To lie, tell a lie, say falsely, break one's word, play false, deceive, feign :-- Ic leóge mentior, Ælfc. Gr. 31; Som. 35, 53. Eal hit is swá, ne leóge ic, Blickl. Homl. 179. 3. Ðú líhst ðæt ðú God sý thou sayest falsely that thou art God, Homl. Th. i. 378, 7. Seó orsorge wyrd simle líhþ and lícet prospera fortuna semper mentitur, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 30: Ælfc. Gr. 49; Som. 50, 30. Hé líhþ him sylfum, Wulfst 66, 3. Se ðe lýhþ oððe ðæs sóðes ansaceþ, Salm. Kmbl. 364; Sal. 181. Má sceamigan ðonne fagnian ðonne hí geheóraþ ðæt him man on líhþ qui falso prædicantur, suis ipsi necesse est laudibus erubescant, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 8. Ic geseó tó sóðe nales mé sefa (MS. selfa) leógeþ I do indeed see, my mind deceives me not, Cd. 193; Th. 242, 9; Dan. 416. Ðíne feóndas ðé fǽcne leógaþ (légaþ, Ps. Surt.) mentientur tibi inimici tui, Ps. Th. 65, 2: 80, 14. Nú cwǽdon gedwolmen ðæt deófol gesceópe sume gesceafta, ac hí leógaþ, Homl. Th. i. 16, 20. Oft ða unþeáwas leógaþ and lícettaþ ðæt hí sién góde þeáwas plerumque vitia virtues se esse mentiuntur, Past. 20; Swt, 149, 2, Ðá ðá hé leág fefellisset, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 26: Exon. 84 b; Th, 318, 12; Mód. 81. Hér begann se deófol tó reccanne hálige gewrita and hé leáh mid ðære race here the devil began to expound holy writ, and he spake falsely in his exposition, Homl. Th. i. 170, 4. Ðá swóran hié swíðe ðæt hié sóð sægdon and nóht lugon ðara þinga quibus jurantibus se nichil falsi commiscere, Nar. 25, 28. Sǽdon ðæt hí wǽran on Criste gelýfede, ac hí lugon swá ðeáh, Homl. Skt. 2, 303. Hig hym fæla ongeán lugon they brought many false charges against him, Nicod. 34; Thw. 19, 39. Gé tó dæge wǽron Somnitum þeówe gif gé him ne álugen (other MS. lugon) iówra wedd hodie Romani Samnio servirent, si fidem fæderis ipsi Samnitibus servavissent, Ors, 3, 8; Swt. 122, 13. Ne leóh ðú leng noli ultra fallere, Ex. 8, 29. Ne leóh ðú non mentiemini, Leunless Priscian have made a mistake, Ælfc. Gr. 17; Som. 20, 49. Se ðe wolde leógan on his wordon. Wulfst. 168, 17. Ðonne onginþ him leógan se tóhopa ðære wræce then the hope of revenge begins to deceive them, Bt. 37; Fox 186, 23: Bt. Met. Fox 25, 100: Met, 25, 50: Exon. 90 a; Th. 337, 27; Gn. Ex. 71. Ðæne nǽnig mæg leógan quem memo potent fallere, Hymn. Surt. 33, 15. Ðú leógende sagast, Blickl. Homl. 179, 22. Ðonne hí secgeaþ ǽlc yfel ongén eów leógende cum dixerint omne malum adversum vos mentientes, Mt. Kembl. 5, 11. Gé sind leógende mentita es, Past. 21, 1; Swt. 151, 21. [Goth. liugan: O. Sax. liogan: O. Frs. liaga: Icel. ljúga: O. H. Ger. liugan mentiri, fallere, fingere: Ger. lügen.] DER. á-, for-, ge-, of- leógan. leogan

Verwandte Wörter: 19, 11. Swá wénaþ manige men, ðæt ðes diáccon leóge be ðam fýre, Wulfst. 206, 13. Ðone ilcan geþang ic ðé ǽr sǽde, ǽr hé leóge, ðæt hé ðé leógan ne durre, Blickl. Homl. 179, 29. Búton Priscianus luge
