
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - lystan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. to cause pleasure in a person, (1) absolute :-- Lysteð juvabat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 2. (2) with acc. of person, (a) alone :-- Gif þé lyste si placet, Bt. 7, 3; F. 22, 7. Úre frið is wyrs gehealden ðonne mé lyste (placeat), Ll. Th. i. 220, 2. (b) with gen. of that in which pleasure is taken :-- Suá hiene swídur lysð (lyst, ) ðisses and-weardan quo delectant praesentia, Past. 351, 8. (c) with clause :-- Mé lyste bet ꝥ þú mé sǽdest ymbe ꝥ ðonne ðú mé ácsodest, Bt. 34, 6; F. 142, 12. (d) with dat. infin. :-- Ic hys hæbbe goodne dǽl gehýred, and ic hys eác gelífe; ac mé lyste hyt nú bet tó wítanne þonne tó gelýfanne it would be pleasanter to me for it to be known than to be believed, Solil. H. 59, 33. (3) with dat. of person, Bd. 3, 16; Sch. 266, 8 (in Dict.). II. to cause desire, (1) with acc. of person and (a) gen. of thing desired :-- Ne lyst mé nú þæs nihil hujusmodi quaero, nihil desidero, Solil. H. 36, 15. Ðæt hié eác selfe ðæs ilcan lyste ut habere propria concupiscant, Past. 229, 14. Ðé ongan lystan úre, nas ús þín, Bt. 7, 5 ; F. 24, 1. (b) acc. of thing desired ? :-- Hé on ðǽm óðrum hæfde ðæt hine lyste, Past. 459, 3. Húi ðone cealdan magan ungelíclice mettas lyste. Lch. ii. 160, 8. (c) with clause :-- Ǽlcne man lyst . . . þæt hé hine móte hwílum þáron gerestan, Solil. H. 2, 8. (d) with infin. to make a person willing and ready to do something :-- Þu meaht ongitan gif his þé géman lyst, Met. 31, 1. Hí eall witon þæt hý witan lyst, Solil. H. 67, 22. Ðæt hine ne lyste sum nytwyrðe weorc wyrcean agere quae debet bona dissimulat, Past. 285, 9. Swá hwelcne mon swá lyste þæt witan, Ors. 1. 11 ; S. 50, 17. (e) with gen. and dat. infin. cf. (2 d) :-- Fela mé lyste witan ðes þe ic nát. Ne lyst mé þeáh nánes þinges swíðor tó witanne þonne þises there is nothing I desire more to be known than this, Solil. H. 14, 22. (2) with dat. of person :-- [Hml. Th. ii. 220, 22, in Dict.]. Lyste þám þe lyste þisne cræft leornian, Angl. viii. 308, 25. v. of-lysted ( not -lystón). lystan

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