Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - macian
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- p. ode To MAKE, do, act :-- Ic macige ðé mycelre mǽgþe faciam te in gentem magnam, Gen. 12, 2. Seó forme declinatio macaþ hire genitivum on ae, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 4 : 24; Som. 24, 24. Ðæt is ðæt héhste gód ðæt hit eall swá mehtiglíce macaþ that is the highest good, which does everything so mightily, Bt. 35, 4; Fox 162, 1. Ne swincaþ á ymbe ǽnige þearfe ac maciaþ eall be luste and be éþnesse ... Ðæt is láþlíc líf ðæt hí swá maciaþ they never labour at any necessary matter, but do all for pleasure and ease . . It is a detestable life, that they act so, L. I. P. 14; Th. ii. 322, 23-26. Sweriaþ mé ðæt gé dón wið mé swilce mildheortnisse, swá ic macode wið eów, Jos. 2, 12. Ðá befrán heó ðæt cild hú hit macode on eallum ðam fyrste then she asked the child what it had been doing in all the time, Homl. Th. i. 566, 20. Swá hé hit macode on his lífe such was his practice in his life, ii. 354, 24. Jubal wæs fæder ðæra ðe organan macodun, Gen. 4, 21. Forðan hí macodon mǽst ðet unseht betweónan Godwine eorle and ðam cynge, Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 27. Ðæt ic macige mete ðínum fæder ðǽr of, Gen. 27, 9. Ðæt ða cristenan hine tó martyre ne macion that the Christians may not make a martyr of him, Homl. Skt. 5, 460. Hé (Lucifer) wolde hine macian tó gode, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 43. Bǽdon sume ðæt Samson móste him macian sum gamen some asked, that Samson should make sport for them, Jud. 16, 25. Riht is ðæt mynecena mynsterlíce macian it is right that nuns that should practise the rules of their monasteries, L. I. P. 15; Th. ii. 322, 32. Gestihtode hú men sceoldon ðǽrinne hit macian qualiter debeant conversari dispensat, Past. 16, 1; Swt. 98, 11. Se wísdóm sǽde him hú hé hit macian sceolde gif hé heora þegen beón sceolde, Bt. tit. 7; Fox x, 16. [O. Sax. makón : O. Frs. makia : O. H. Ger. machón Ger. machen.]