Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mæðtel-cwide
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mæðtel-cwide
- m. Discourse, converse:--Ic ðæs þeódnes word meðelcwide ongeat gæstes sprǽce I the words of the prince, his discourse, have heard, the guest's speech, Exon. 50 b; Th. 175, 9; Gú. 1192. Hyrcnigan hálges lára mildes meðelcwida to listen to the instructions of the holy man, the discourses of the kind one, 47 b; Th. 162, 23; Gú. 980. Meaht ðú meðelcwidum worda gewealdan are words at thy command for discourse, Th. 163, 4; Gú. 988. Ðonne wé on geflitum sǽton meðelcwidas mengdon when we sat in discussion, and now one, now another spoke, Salm. Kmbl. 865; Sal. 432. mæðtel-cwide