Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mál
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mál
- n. I. an action, suit, cause :-- Mál clasma (cf. clasma clam oððe wed oððe wæra. 'This barbarous word meant in medieval Latin, an action at law, for a bond or other obligation,' 21, 2), Wrt. Voc. ii. 83, 42 : Hpt. Gl. 496, 4. [Icel. mál an action : O. H. Ger. mahal concio, pactio, fœdus.] II. occurring late in the chronicle and borrowed from Icelandic(?) :-- Ðǽr bær Godwine up his mál (case) (cf. Icel. bera upp mál), Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 19. Eádwerd scylode ix scypa of mále ( = Icel. skilja af máli) put an end to the agreement with, paid off, nine ships, 1049; Erl. 174, 38. Hé sette ealle ða litsmen of mále, 1050; Erl. 176, 13. Se cyng sealde his lande swá deóre tó mále swá heó deórost mihte made as hard terms as ever he could, 1086; Erl. 220, 8. [Icel. mál a case; terms, agreement.] and next word. mal