Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mann
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mann
- I. add: (1) a human being irrespective of age or sex :-- Mín sunn, ic ðé tó men gebær, Hml. S. 25, 175. (a) used explicitly as a designation applicable to either sex :-- Nis nán wífhádes mann hire gelíca, Hml. Th. ii. 10, 12. Se man sé þe [ne] mæge bearn áfédan, nime þonne . . . meoluc on hyre handæ, Lch. iii. 68, 12. Gif mon ungewintrædne wífmon tó niédhǽmde geþreátige, sié ꝥ swá þæs gewintredan monnes bót, Ll. Th. i. 78, 18. Ꝥ hé tó þám untruman men geeóde. Þá hé þá in eóde tó þǽre fǽmnan, Bd. 5, 3; Sch. 564, 21. (b) in general or indefinite applications, body, person; in pl. people :-- For ðǽre orsorgnesse monn oft áðint on oferméttum. Past. 35, 2. Gif man ofslagen weorðe, ealle wé lǽtað efendýrne, Ll. Th. i. 152, 12. Gif hwá gewerde óðres monnes wíngeard, 50, 24. Gif man óðrum steóp ásette þǽr mæn drincen, 32, 8, Leófan men, Wlfst. 6, 2, and often. Men ðá leófestan, 232, 12, and often. Ic cwæð þæt wǽron ealle menn ungemete leáse (omnis homo mendax), Ps. Th. 115, 2. ( See also ǽghwilc, ǽlc, ǽnig, gehwilc, hwilc, nǽnig, nán, sum. ) (b α) where there is contrast of human and divine :-- Se munuc trýwsie hine sylfne wið God and wið men, Ll. Th. i. 306, 7. Uneáðelic ꝥ ys mid mannum ; ac ealle þing synt mid Gode eáðelice, Mt. 19, 26. (b β) tó mannum cuman (cf. tó túne cuman) to happen, take place, of a season, begin :-- Gyf þú wylt witan ǽniges mónðes gesceád, hwylce dæge hé cume tó mannum, Angl. viii. 304, 8. (c) of a child :-- Unc næs gemǽne man (cf. habban bearn gemǽne. I. ¶ 1 a α), Hml, S. 2, 157. (d) used predicatively, (to be) man, to have human nature :-- Hé geswutelode þæt hé wæs sóð man, and for ðí metes behófode, Hml. Th. i. 178, 9. (2) in abstract or generic sense :-- Drihten, hwæt is se mann. , . oþþe hwæt is se mannes sunu ? quid est homo . . . aut filius hominis ?, Ps. Th. 8, 5. Restedæg wæs geworht for þám men, næs se man (homo) for ðám restedæge, Mk. 2, 27. Nis mé ege mannes, Ps. Th. 117, 6. Þeáh ic God ne ondrǽde, ne ic man ne onþracige, Lk. 18, 4. (3) man as in inner man :-- Se innra man, ꝥ is séo sáwl, Ll. Th. ii. 224, 6: Verc. Först. 93, 4. (4) an adult male person :-- Lífes man uir uie (uenerabilis), An. Ox. 3699. Hé sǽde . . . heó man ne wæs, Hml. S. 2, 78. Gif bescoren man stéorleás gange. Ll. Th. i. 38, 12. Habban þá . xii. men heora metscype tógædere, 236, 6: 230, 22. II. add: (1) of free men :-- Gif mon wille . . . hláford sécan . . . sé þe hine tó men feormie . . . se þe hine tó men onfó, Ll. Th. i. 86, 2-9. Oft ágyltað ðá hláfordas and ðá menn wuniað on Godes hyldo plerumque offendunt qui regunt, et in patrisfamilias gratia permanent qui reguntur, Past. 321, 3. Gif hwá ymb cyninges feorh sierwie þurh hinc oþþe þurh wreccena feormunge oþþe his manna, Ll. Th. i. 62, 16. Se hláford ne derige his mannum, ne forðan his nýdþeówan, ii. 314, 2. Áh hláforda gehwylc formycle þearfe ꝥ hé his men rihtlíce healde, i. 372, 13. (2) of unfree men (in a temporal or spiritual sense) :-- Nis ná má hláfordinga on worulde þonne twégen, God Ælmihtig and deófol. Sé þe Godes beboda hylt, hé is Godes man . . . ; and sé deófles wore begǽð, hé is deófles man, Wlfst. 298, 7-11. Beó hys mann, næs þín ágen, and beó geðafa ꝥ þú æart hys þeówa noli esse velle quasi proprius et in tua potestate, sed . . . Domini te servum esse profitere, Solil. H. 53, 14. Gif man his mæn an wiófode freóls gefe, Ll. Th. i. 38, 15. Æt men fíftene peningas, æt horse healf swá, 224, 25. Be manna metsunge. Ánan esne gebyreð tó metsunge . . . , 436, 25. Wé cwǽdon úrum þeówum mannum, 234, 3. Gé hláfordas, dóð gé eówrum monnum (servis) ðæt ilcce, Past. 201, 24. (2a) of a female slave :-- Se fruma wæs ꝥ mon forstæl ǽnne wimman Ælfsige . . . Ðá beféng Ælfsige þone mann æt Wulfstáne . . . Æfter þám bæd Ælfsige ǽgiftes his mannes, Cht. Th. 206, 19-30. (3) where both free and unfree are included :-- Manig strec man wyle werian his man swá hwæðer him þincð ꝥ hé hine ýð áwerian mæge swá for frigne swá for þeówne, Ll. Th. i. 388, 2. (4) applied to members of a fighting force :-- Hé hié. . . on ðǽm ýtemestan ende his monna ásette in exercitu Antigoni dispersi sunt, Ors. 3, 11; S. 146, 35. III. used of a lord :-- Ic beóde ꝥ hý nán man ne brocie . . . ꝥ hý ne mótan ceósan swylcne mann swylce hý wyllan, Cht. Th. 492, 13. v. ǽhte-, æsc-, ǽwda-, ambiht-, brim-, burh-, carl-, ceáp-, celmert-, ciépe-, ealdor-, eórod-, esne-, fæsting-, fáh-, féster-, féþe-, flot-, freó-, fyrn-, geneát-, geó- (iú-), gesíþ-, gleó-, gum-, hægsteald-, hǽþen-, hagosteald-, heáfod-, healf-, here-, híre-, híred-, hundred-, hundredes, hynden-, inhird-, lah-, land-, leorning-, lid-, mægden-, mynster-, neáh-, norþ-, rípe-, rýne-, sǽ-, scegþ-, scip-, scír-, scírig-, steór-, steóres, súþ-, teóþung-, tún-, túnes-, twi-, þeów-, un-, unfriþ-, wǽpen-, wǽpned-, weorc-. weorold-, wíg-, wræc-mann. mann,mann-