Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mann-
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mann-
- mán- ?)swica. [has the accent in two MSS. (though in one of these mán- is written in mánslagan">the first part of this compound">In favour of mán- it may be noted that mann- does not occur as the first part of this compound, but does occur with -slaga; in Wlfst. 55, 6 the a has the accent in two MSS. (though in one of these mán- is written in mánslagan, Wlfst. 26, 14), and at 114, 13 manswican is a mánsworan.] In l. 2 read mannslagan, and add: a deceiver, cheat :-- Án unlagu æt ðám ætfengan þe swicigende manswican lufedan be-westan, Ll. Lbmn, 244, 28. Swá geráde manswican (man-, v. ll. ) þe on ðá wísan swǽslíce swiciað on unriht, þæt syndan forbodan Antecrístes, Wlfst. 55, 6. Mánsworan (manswican, v. l. and þá heora hláford beswícaþ and hine forlǽtaþ his feónda(n) tó handa), 114, 13.Þyder scylan manslagan and þyder scylan manswican, 203, 21. Seó éhtnes þe crístene þoledon oft and gelóme þurh wælhreówe manswican, 83, 18. mann,mann-