Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - meaht
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- meaht
- Add: I. the quality of being able to do what is desired, operative power :-- Wítiendlicere mihte geswuteled prophetica uirtute propalatam, An. Ox. 3652. Se feónd nǽnige mehte wið ús nafaþ, Bl. H. 31, 33. Sunu monnes hæfeþ mæhte (mæht, L. potestatem) tó forlétenne synne, Mt. R. 9, 6. I a. as an attribute of impersonal agents :-- Genim þás wyrte, heó of sumre wundurlicre mihte helpeð, Lch. i. 126, 16. I b. in pl. powers :-- Mihta (-um, MS.) uirtutum (Johannes . . . miris uirtutum signis per totum orbem claruit), An. Ox. 1805. Þǽr nú God swutelað þæs hálgan martires mihta, Chr. 1012 ; P. 143, 4. II. bodily strength :-- Gif þé þince ꝥ þú máran lǽcedóm dón ne durre for unmihte þæs mannes. . . gebíd oþ ꝥ þú dyrre. Gif meht ne wyrne, lǽt him blód, Lch. ii. 254, 4. Sáh hé niðer sprǽce benumen and ealre his mihte, Chr. 1053; P. 182, 22. III. great power or strength, mightiness. (1) as an attribute of God :-- His miht bið á éce, Bl. H. 31, 26. Mihte potestatis ( divinae). An. Ox. 12, 11. Heofenlicere mihte reósende cælesti numine nutabunda, 1574. (2) of persons, nations, &c.:-- Geweóx miht eorðlices ríces, Bd. 2, 9; Sch. 142, 16. (3) an act of power, mighty work, miracle :-- Ne synd áwritene ealle Iúdan gefeoht for his feónda ware, and ealle ðá mihte þe hé mǽrlíce gefremode, Hml. S. 25, 678. Þus gerádra mihta talium miraculorum, An. Ox. 3062. Áwrítan þá wundra and mihta þe Martínus mihtiglíce gefremode, Hml. S. 31, 2. Hergan metudæs maecti, Txts. 149, 2. IV. superiority of strength or power as used to enforce one's will :-- Neádunge, mihte uim, An. Ox. 1237. V. associated with mægen :-- Hé on mihte (mahte. L. ) and on mægene unclǽnun. gástum bebýt in potestate et uirtute imperat spiritibus immundis, Lk. 4, 36. VI. power over others, dominion, authority, used of persons or things :-- Wælhreówre mihte tyrannici potentates, An. Ox. 1592. Mid wealhrówre mihte tyrannica potestate, i. imperio, 1158: 2345. Hé salde him mæht (mæhtæ, R. ) gaasta unclǽnra, Mt. L. 10, 1. VI a. an exercise of authority :-- Mid mihtum nutibus, i. imperiis (uernacula matronae nutibus mancipatur), An. Ox. 2351. VII. a virtue; virtus :-- Seó óðer miht is castitas . . . Seó ðrydde miht is largitas, Hml. S. 16, 321, 326: 334: 345: 356. Mihta virtutum. An. Ox. 959. VIII. as a person or thing, (l) one who, or that which, exercises power or government :-- Stíþnes ungesáwenlicere tóbrocen mihte duritia inuisibili contrita potestate, i. dominio, An. Ox. 3259. Ðá heán mihta hér on worulde hreósað and tó lore weorðað. Wlfst. 262, 16. (2) the fifth of the nine orders of angels :-- Uirtutes mihta, Hml. Th. i. 342, 27. (3) a deity, divinity :-- Mihte numina, i. deos, An. Ox. 4722. Mihta, 2, 372.