Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mere
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- Add: I. the female of the horse :-- Þ mǽden wæs swá forbroden swylce heó án myre wǽre, Hml. S. 21. 475. Gif man of myran folan ádrífð, Ll. Th. i. 70, 22. . x. mæran mid . x. coltan . . . . vi. mæran mid . vi. coltan, Shrn. 159, 17, 29. II. the female of other quadrupeds :-- Olfenda myran mid hyra folan and stédan camelos masculos el feminas illas quae habent foetas. Nar. 35, II.