Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mǽg-bót
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mǽg-bót
- f. The 'bót' paid to the kinsman of a slain man for the slaying of the latter. It seems to be used only in the case of the spiritual relationship of godfather and godchild :-- Gif hwá óðres godsunu sleá oððe his godfæder síe sió mǽgbót and sió manbót gelíc. Weaxe sió bót be ðam were swá ilce swá sió manbót déþ ðe ðam hláforde sceal . . . Gif hé on ðone geonbyrde ðe hine slóg ðonne ætfealle sió bót ðæm godfæder swá ilce swá ðæt wíte ðam hláforde déþ if any one slay another's godson or his godfather, let the compensation to the godfather or godson and that to the lord of the dead man be alike. Let them both increase in proportion to the 'wer' . . . If he (the slain man) strove against him that slew him, then let there be no 'bót' to the godfather just as there is no 'wite' to the lord, L. In. 76; Th. i. 150, 13-20. Ǽgðer ge mǽgbóte ge manbóte fullíce gebéte, L. C. E. 2; Th. i. 360, 7. mæg-bot