Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mid
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mid
- II. add :-- His here geseah þæt hé mid þý horse áfeóll, Ors. 3, 7 ; S. 118, 4. Se wer þe mid his ágene (-on, ) wíf bið slǽpende, Bd. 1, 27 ; Sch. 86, 1. Ána mid him sylfum alone by himself, Gr. D. 105, 29 : 32 : 106. 24. II a. where there is combination to complete or form a whole :-- Sumne dǽl landes, ðæt synd twá hída mid ðám ðe hé ǽr hæfde, and mid ðám hrófleásan lande a portion of land, that is two hides with what he had before and with the roofless land, i. e. what he had before and the roofless land taken together make up the two hides, the portion granted, C. D. iv. 262, 13-14. IV. add :-- Albanus eóde út mid ðæs preóstes hacelan (wearing the priest's dress; cf. S UNCERTAIN s Albanus gegyrede hine mid þæs cuman munucgegyrelan hospitis habitu indutus, Bd. 1, 7 ; Sch. 20, 25), Hml. S. 19, 36. Þá spræc ic on þá mágas mid þé erfegewrite (having the deed with me), Cht. Th. 167, 18. VI. add :-- Henna gelíce þám þe mid ús ( apud nos ) beóð reádes híwes, Nar. 34, 1. Þone Hǽlend þe becóm tó mannum mid Iúdéiscum folce, Hml. S. 24, 89. Mid weálandum, Gen. 2706. VII. add :-- Gestód Róme-burg xii winter mid miclum welum, Ors. 6, 1; S. 254, 6. Hé geseah ǽnne wer standan mid átogenum sweorde vidit virum stantem, evaginatum tenentem gladium, Jos. 5, 13 : Hml. S. 25, 583. Is se lǽssa man betere . . . mid gesundfulnysse þonne se unhála beó . . . , Hml. A. 40, 410. His mánfulla gebedda mid Arrianiscum gedwylde dweligende lyfode, Hml. S. 31, 653. VIII. add :-- Ðý lǽs hié mid ðý tóle ðæt hále líc gewierden, Past. 365, 11. Hí ne dorston þæt hálige hús mid ingange geneósian, Hml. Th. i. 504, 10. IX. add :-- Hé mid ðám dæge eóde him út of ðám scræfe, Hml. S. 23, 489. Hé wæs mid eallum his lífe ymb Godes þeówdóm ábisgod, Bl. H. 211, 31. X. add :-- Gehlade áne cuppan fulle forð mid ðám streáme, Lch. iii. 74, 14. XI. add :-- Mitte þe hit þá þǽre eádegan tíde neálǽhte, Verc. Först. 96, 20: 97, 12. XII. add: (l) cf. II. :-- Hé þæt heáfod hét Iuliuse onsendan and his hring mid, Ors. 5, 12 ; S. 242, 18 : 6, 17; S. 270, 23. Cwóman mysce manige, mid wǽrun gnættas, Ps. Th. 104, 27. Hit eall mid fýre forbærneð, and hé sylf mid forwyrðeð, Verc, Först, 120, 19.Hié sylfe gáð mid, 128, 10: Hml. Th. i.598, 2. Him farað mid Godes englas, 456, 23. Ǽlcum welwyrcendum God mid beó mydwyrhta. . Solil. H. 30, 14. Náman hí him wealhstodas mid, Bd. 1. 25; Sch. 52, 13. (2) cf. IV. :-- Nimað þis hrægl and scrýdað eów mid, Gr. D. 202, 28. Sóna swá se hræfn þá cartan geseah, þá genam hé hig sóna and gewát mid on þæne fenu corvus, ut chartulam prospexit, rapido forcipe arripuit, Guth. Gr. 141, 6. Þá gewǽda þe heó bewunden wæs mid, Hml. S. 20, 94. Mid ðý tóle ðe hié sceoldon mid ðæt unhále áweg áceorfan, Past. 365, 12. v. þǽr-mid. mid