Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - middel
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- middel
- Add: I. the middle point or part of a line, area, volume, number, &c. :-- Þ híw byð gecíged omoeuteleuton swá oft swá se middel and se ýtemesta dǽl geendað on gelícum stæfgefége, Angl. viii. 332, 13. II. the position of being among or surrounded by a number of people or within a town, &c. , midst of :-- Hé hleóp on ðone mere and stód on ðára midle he jumped into the mere and stood in the midst of them (the thirty-nine soldiers), Shrn. 62, 10. Hé wæs lytel in ðám midle Crístes þegna ( in medio discipulorum), Gr. D. 218, 1. Ne wyrð seó nǽfre onwend þá hwíle þe God byð on hire midle, Ps. Th. 45, 4. III. the middle of the body :-- Oð middil pube ( puue, MS. ) tenus, Hpt. 33, 251, 25. middel