
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - míre

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

or mýre, an ; f. An ant, mire in pis-mire. The word occurs in the nickname Mýran heáfod, Chr. 1010; P. 140, 13, applied to Þurcytel, who is called in Fl. Wig. Danicus minister. The nickname is in that chronicle glossed by ' equae caput, ' but in H. Hunt, by ' caput formicae. ' [Cf. Dan. myre : Swed. myra : Icel. maurr: and Du. mier. See too :-- Natura formice. Ðe mire is magti, Misc. 8, 234. Ðe mire muneð us mete to tilen, 9, 273. N. E. D. mire, ] mire