Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - módig
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- módig
- adj. I. of high or noble spirit, high-spirited, noble-minded:--Ðis is se écea God módig and mægenróf this is the eternal God, noble and mighty, Cd. 156; Th. 195, 11; Exod. 275: Exon. 18b; Th. 46, 32; Cri. 746: Rood Kmbl. 81; Kr. 41. Ðæt wæs módig cýn that was a high-spirited race, Cd. 173; Th. 216, 16; Dan. 7. Se fugel engla eard gesóhte, módig, meahtum strang, Exon. 17 a; Th. 40, 31; Cri. 647. Is se wyrhta módig meahtum spédig of noble mind is the maker, abundant in might, 56 a; Th. 198, 14; Ph. 10: 42 b; Th. 143, 26; Gú. 667. Ðæt is módig wuht it (the bull) is a high-spirited creature, Runic pm. Kmbl. 339, 12; Rún. 2: Elen. Kmbl. 2524; El. 1263. Hlóh ðá módi man (Byrhtnoth), Byrht. Th. 136, 6; By. 147. Se módiga (Holofernes), Judth. 10; Thw. 22, 7; Jud. 52. Se módega mǽg Higeláces (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 1630; B. 813. Se módga (the Phenix), Exon. 59b; Th. 216, 3; Ph. 262. Geáta leód trúwode módgan (Beowulf's) mægnes, Metodes hylde, Beo. Th. 1344; B. 670. Unc módige ymb mearce sittaþ, þeóda þrymfæste, Cd. 91; Th. 114, 20; Gen. 1907. Módge maguþegnas, Exon. 77a; Th. 290, 8; Wand. 62. II. bold, brave, courageous (physically or morally):--Wæs from se ðe lǽdde, módig magorǽswa, Cd. 145; Th. 181, 2; Exod. 55. Gǽþ se ðe mót tó medo módig he that may shall go bold to the mead, Beo. Th. 1212; B. 604: Andr. Kmbl. 481; An. 241. Ðæt wæs módig secg a brave man was he, Beo. Th. 3629; B. 1812: 3021; B. 1508. Næs ǽnig ðæs módig mon ofer eorþan ... ðæt mec ðus bealdlíce bendum bilegde, Exon. 73a; Th. 273, 8; Jul. 513. Sió hand gebarn módiges mannes, Beo. Th. 5329; B. 2698. Beówulfes síþ, módges merefaran, 1008; B. 502. Hægsteald módige, wígend unforhte, Cd. 160; Th. 198, 24; Exod. 327. III. proud, arrogant;--Módig superbus ... eádmód humilis, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 25, 27. Ne beó nǽnig man hér on worldríce tó módig, Blickl. Homl. 109, 27, Modig and medugál 'flown with insolence and wine,' Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 19; Jud. 26. Mǽre and módig (Nebuchadnezzar), Cd. 177; Th. 222, 15; Dan. 105. Æfter ðæra módigra gásta hryre, Homl. Th. ii. 82, 11. Hé tóstæncte ða módigan dispersit superbos, Cant. Mar. 51. IV. hearty, earnest, impetuous; in a bad sense, bold, headstrong, stubborn, wilful:--Bidde ic monna gehwone ... ðæt hé mec neódful ... gemyne módig I pray every man that diligently and heartily he bear me in mind, Exon. 76a; Th. 285, 28; Jul. 721. Merestreám módig the impetuous flood (III; and módigian), Cd. 166; Th. 207, 17; Exod. 468. Módig contumax, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Som. 13, 42. Gif ǽnig man hæbbe módigne sunu and rancne si genuerit homo filium contumacem et protervum, Deut. 21, 18. On óðre wísan sint tó manianne ða módgan (prolervi), on óðre ða unmódgan (pusillanimes) Past. 32, 1; Swt. 209, 4. [Goth. módags angry: Icel. móðugr: O. Sax. módag: M. H. Ger. muotec: Ger. muthig.] v. fela-, ofer-, til-, un-módig. modig