
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - módor

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. a female parent. (l) a woman who has given birth to a child :-- Suǽ suǽ cild irnð tó his móder (-ur, ) greádan. Past. 103, 23: Wlfst. 193, 9. Hé wæs Bryttisc on his móder healfe, Chr. 1075; P. 202, 7. Hí freónda ne róhton, ne fæder oððe méder (móder, v.l.), Hml. S. 5, 45. For ðám mycclum geleáfan þǽre méder. Hml. Th. ii. 116, 13. Habban gýmene ǽgðer ge ðǽre méder ge þæs cildes, 196, 19. Wið suna moeder (matris) ðínre. Ps. Srt. 49, 20: 68, 9. Of módres (móder, R. , módor, W. S.) hrif, Mt. L. 19, 12. Móderes, Jn. L. 3, 4. Moederes, Lk. p. 4, 5. Beæftan his méder and his mǽgum. Past. 385, 20. Swá hwylc swá segð his fæder and méder (moeder, L. , móder matri), Mt. 15, 4. Nú ne sceolon þá mǽdenu heora móddru forseón of ðám ðe hí cómon, þeáh ðe hí beón on mægðháde lybbende and heora móddru beón wíf, Hml. A. 37, 324: 32, 208. Ðá móddru on heora cildra martyrdóme þrowodon ; þæt swurd . . . becóm tó ðǽra móddra heortan, Hml. Th. 1. 84, 17-19. Módero matres, Mk. L. 10, 30. (2) used of an animal :-- Ylp is ormǽte nýten . . . Feówer and twéntig mónda gǽí seó módor mid folan, Hml. S. 25, 569. Fugelas ne týmað swá swá óðre nýtenu, ac ǽrest hit bið ǽig, and seó módor brét þæt ǽig tó bridde. Hml. Th. i. 250, 23. (3) in extended sense, an ancestress :-- Heó (Eve) is ealra libbendra módor, Gen. 3, 20. I a. used figuratively of spiritual relationship :-- Mǽdenu magon beón Crístes móddru, gif hí wyrcað on lífe his fæder willan. Eall Crístes gelaðung is Crístes módor, for ðan ðe heó ácenð Cristes sylfes limu þurh ðá hálgan gife on ðám hálgan fulluhte, Hml. A. 33, 216. v. féster-, god-módor. II. applied to things more or less personified :-- Geðyld is módur and hierde ealra mægena. Past. 215, 19. Se yfela willa . . . is módur ǽlces yfeles, 222, 14. Wyrd seó swíðe ealra firena fruma, fǽhðo módor, Sal. 443. Ǽlc ðyssera heáfodleahtra hæfð micelne teám, ac gif wé ðá módru ácwellað, þonne beóð heora bearn ealle ádýdde, Hml. Th. ii. 218, 28. III. applied to a person who acts like a mother. (l) one who shows motherly affection :-- Hé ætiéwe his hiéremonnum ðæt hé sié hiera fæder on láre and hiera módur on mildheortnesse, Past. 123, 25. (2) one who exercises control, the superior of a female religions community :-- Ealle þá sweostor . . . for heora módor sáwle georne þingedon, Bd. 4, 23; Sch. 479, 10. modor

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