Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - mótan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- mótan
- I. add: expressing permission or possibility that comes from permission. I a. add: (1) the subject a person :-- Eálá hú yfele mé dóþ manege woruldmenn mid ðám ꝥ ic ne mót wealdan mínra ágenra þeówa an ego sola meum jus exercere prohibebor ?, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 20. Bið þé God hold . . . and þú móst (poteris) mid him rícsian, Ll. Th. ii. 132, 16. Wóst þú genóh gif ic gedó þæt þuacute; þæt wóst, þæt þú móst simle lybban ? quid, cum te immortalem esse didiceris, satisne erit ?, Solil. H. 56, 10. Gif þé ǽfre gewyrð ꝥ ðú wilt oððe móst eft fandian þára þióstra þisse worulde si terrarum placeat tibi noctem relictam visere, Bt. 36, 3; S. 105, 25. Hú mǽg sé beón gessǽlig, sé ðe on ðám gesǽlþum ðurhwunian ne mót, 2 ; F. 4, 15. þǽr ic nú móste (was permitte) þín mód gefiþerigan . . . ꝥ þuacute; mihtest (wast able) mid mé fliógan, 36, 2 ; F. 174, 6. þá bǽdon hí for heora ealdcýððe ꝥ hí móston him beran flǽsc, Hml. S. 25, 91 : Bt. 1; F. 2, 8: 35, 4; F. 162, 25. God sealde frídom manna sáulum, þæt hý móston dón swá good swá yfel. swædðer hý woldon, Solil. H. 10, 18. Gedó mé þæs wyrðne, þæt ic þé móte geseón fac me idoneum ad videndum te, 13, 15. Þæt þú ne móte began þæt þæt þú wilnast, 46, 12. (2) the subject a thing : where the natural processes in connection with an object are given :-- Se heofon mót brengan leóhte dagas, . . . ꝥ geár mót brengan blósman, . . . seó sǽ mót brúcan smyltra ýþa, and ealle gesceafta mótan heora gewunan and heora willan bewitigan. Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 20-24. Me mæig, gif hit mót gewiderian (granted good weather), mederan settan, Angl. ix. 262, 9. ꝥ se stemn and se helm móte þý fæstor and þý leng standon, Bt. 34, 10; F. 148, 33. I b 2. add:-- Hé gesealde Persum . . . healfe Mesopotamiam wiþ þǽm þe hié of þǽm londe mósten búton láþe ut tutum et incolumem exercitum a locorum periculo liberaret, partem Mesopotamiae Persis concessit, Ors. 6, 32 ; S. 286, 27. II. add:-- Gif man eard wille rihtlíce clǽnsian, þonne mót man spyrian hwár þá mánfullan wununge habban, Ll. Th. i. 348, 25: 380, 8. Wé móton þencan (ús is tó geþencanne, ), 196, 23. Drihten, hǽle ús: wé móton forweorðan Domine, salva nos, perimus, Mt. 8, 25. Móton þá hyrdas beón swíðe wacore, Ll. Th. i. 374, 27: 344, 27. Unðeáwas ðe hé ǽr ne cúðe wunnon him ðá on and on his cynne syððan, swá þæt hí móston mid micclum geswince ðá gódan ðeáwas healdan, gif hý hí habban woldon, Hex. 26, 5. II a. where the infinitive is to be inferred :-- Hé friðige ǽlce be ðám ðe hit sélest sý, and be ðám hé eác mót ðe hine weder wísað, Angl. ix. 259, 16. III. as an auxiliary :-- Gif woe geslás l huoeðer móto wé geslaa (sleá wé, W. S.) si percutimus, Lk. L. 22, 49. ꝥ wlóh wédes his gehríne móston (móstun æthrínan, R., æthrinon, W. S.) ut fimbriam vestimenti ejus tangerent, Mt. 14,36 motan