Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - nemnan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
nemnian ;
- nemnan
- p. nemde. I. to name, give a name to a person or thing :-- Ða cennest sunu ðone ðú nemnest Hǽlend, Blickl. Homl. 7, 19, Ðú nemdest mid áne noman ealle tógædere woruld, Met. 20, 55. Ða hé nemde (nominavit) apostolas ; Simonem ðæne hé nemde (cognominavit) Petrus, Lk. Skt. 6, 13-14. Hé ðone yldestan Noæ nemde, Cd. Th. 75, 4; Gen. 1235. Hig nemdon (vocant) hyne hys fæder naman Zachariam, Lk. Skt. 1, 59. Ðysne dæg hié nemdon siges dæg, Blickl. Homl. 67, 13. II. to use such and such a name or title in speaking of a person or thing :-- Ðone wé wifel wordum nemnaþ which we call beetle, when we speak of it, Exon. Th. 426, 14; Rä. 41, 73. Hine tó sylfcwale secgas nemnaþ men speak of him as a suicide, 330, 25; Vy. 56. Eác hí óðre worde beornas Baðan nemnaþ men also use the name Bath in speaking of it, Chr. 973; Erl. 124, 13: 975 ; Erl. 124, 32. David sylf nemde hine drihten ipse David dicit eum dominum, Mk. Skt. 12, 37. Heó sylf hié þeówen nemde, Blickl. Homl. 13, 13. Drihten ða cynelícan burh forhogodlíce naman nemde the Lord used a contemptuous name (wíc) in speaking of the royal city, 77, 23, 26. Ðis andwerde líf hé nemde for weg this present life he spoke of as a way, L. E. I. 35 ; Th. ii. 432, 23. Ðone hwítan hláf (the eucharistic bread) ðone ðú sealdest Saban ússum fæder nemdon heó hine swá (sic eum appellare consuerant), Bd. 2, 5 ; S. 507, 15. Ne gyrne gé ðæt eów man Láreówas nemne nolite vocari Rabbi, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 8: Ps. Th. 82, 4. Ðéh ðe gewrito oft nemnen eal ða lond Méðia, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 10, 24. Ðeáh mon anweald and genyht tó twǽm þingum nemne ðeáh hit is án though power and abundance be spoken of as two things, yet are they one, Bt. 33. 1; Fox 120, 21. Hí gewunedon hí móder cýgean and nemnian (tó hátenne and tó nemnenne, MS. B.) quam matrem vocare consueverant, Bd. 4, 23; S. 594, 39. Ðæs fæder wæs Wóden nemned, 1, 15; S. 483, 30: Blickl. Homl. 81, 1. On ðǽm bócum ðe nemned is Actus Apostolorum, 133, 11 : 137, 31. Ðæt wæs swíðe heálíc nama ðæt Sanctus Johannes engel wæs nemned, 167, 32. Ðam is tó naman nemned Drihten Dominus nomen est ei, Ps. Th. 67, 4. III. to call upon the name of, address by name, to invoke :-- Ne nemn ðú Drihtnes naman on ýdel ne byþ unscyldig se ðe his noman on ýdel nemþ non assumes nomen Domini Dei tui in vanum! nec enim habebit insontem Dominus eum,qui assumpserit nomen Domini frustra, Ex. 20, 7. Ic naman ðínne nemde, Dryhten, Ps. Th. 118, 55. Hé nemde mé mínne noman vacavit me nomine meo, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 37. Hine se ár be naman nemde, Elen. Kmbl. 155; El. 78. Se nemde God niþþa bearna ǽrest ealra, Cd. Th. 69, 13; Gen. 1135. God nemdon and hine bǽdon, 48, 22; Gen. 779. Ongan swegles weard be naman nemnan, Judth. Thw. 22, 27 ; Jud. 81. IV. to mention by name, to mention, relate :-- For míne bróðru ic bidde, and míne ða neáhstan nemne swylce, Ps. Th. 121, 8. Ðǽm unþeáwum ðe ic ǽr nemde, Met. 25, 62. Ealle ða óðru gód ðe wé ǽr nemdon, Bt. 24, 3 ; Fox 84, 24 : Cd. Th. 288, 20; Sat. 383. Sege hwæt ic þence, nemn gif ðú hit gereccean mǽge, Blickl. Honal. 181, 14. Mágun wé nemnan we can tell, Exon. Th. 107, 25 ; Gú. 64. Ðeáh ðe ic hý níhst nemnan sceolde though I should mention their names last, 326, 10 ; Víd. 126. Pronomen spelaþ ðone naman ðæt ðú ne þurfe tuwa hine nemnan the pronoun represents the noun so that you need not mention it (the noun) twice, Ælfc. Gr. 5 ; Som. 3, 30. Swá on ðære, ilcan láre nemned (mentioned) is, Blickl. Homl. 133, 34. V. to name, nominate :-- Gif landágende man ætsace, ðonne nemne man him his gelícan ealswá micel Wente swá cyninges þegne, L. N. P. L. 52; Th. ii. 298, 10. [Goth. namnjan: O. Sax. O. H. Ger. nemnian : Icel. nefna.]