
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - on-cnáwan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

I 1 a. add :-- Nǽfra ic oncneáwu (novi) iúih, Mt. L. 7, 23. Helias cuóm and ne oncneáwn (cognoverunt) hine, 17, 12. (l b), (2) add: (α) with noun or pronoun (representing a noun) :-- Hé suá micle bet his ágen dysig oncnéw swá hé undruncenra wæs malum, quod fecerat, cognoscere potuit, quia hoc ebrius non audivit, Past. 295, 8. For þám þe ðú ne oncneówe (oncnéuðú, L., oncnáwðú, R.) þá tíde þínre geneósunge, Lk. 19, 44. Ðæt forlor hira frécennesse ðonne hié hit encnáwen perditionis suae discrimina vel cognita, Past. 403, 14. Ðone ðeódscip ꝥte oncnéwa (agnosceref), Mk. p. 2, 3. (β) with acc. and infin. :-- Þás mǽrsunga wé oncnáwaþ (cognoscimus) wesan gefyllede, An. Ox. 40, 11. Þá dómas þe ic oncneów þé sylfne secgean judicia quae te dixisse cognovi, Gr. D. 139, 12. Lufe gecneordlǽcan synden oncnáwene affectum exercere noscuntur, An. Ox, 242. (βα) with complement :-- Þone áworpenne hí oncnáwaþ guem reprobatum cognoscunt, An. Ox. 40, 7 : 23. (γ) with clause or pronoun representing a clause:-- Ðá se Hǽlend ꝥ on his gáste oncneów (quo cognito spiritu suo) ꝥ hí swá betwux him þóhton, Mis. 2, 8. Þá oncneón se Godes man ꝥ hé féran ne móste, Bd. 5, 9 ; Sch. 595, 16. Ðæt hié oncnáwæn tó hwǽm hiera ágen wíse wirð ut ad cognitionem sui revocentur, Past. 265, 23. Þæt hié oncnéwen hú God þá rícu sette, Ors. 2, 1; S. 63, 35. II. add :-- Oncneáwu l ongæt intelligit, Mt. L. 13, 19. Oncnǽw, 23. Ne oncnǽu gé non intelligetis, 14. Oncneáw gié intellexistis, 51. Oncneáun (-cneówan, R.) intellexerant, Mk. L. 6, 52. Ꝥte oncnéwe intellegeret, Mk. p. 2, 4. II a. to know by experience :-- Gif ðú ꝥ ne dést, þú scealt oncnáwan þone gesettan dóm, Ap. Th. 5, 9. IV. (3a) to acknowledge the claims of a person :-- Críst ne oncnǽwð mid ǽnigum góde þá unclǽnan weófodþegnas, Ll. Th. ii. 382, 6. Ne gedafenaþ þé . . . þæt þú andsware mid oferhygdum séce sárcwide ; sélre byð ǽghwám þæt hé eáðmédum ellorfúsne oncnáwe cúðlíce, An. 322. Sé ðe Godes bebodu ne gecnǽwð, ne bið hé oncnáwen from Gode, Past. 29, 1. on-cnawan