
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - on-hagian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. absolute :-- Beód mé þæt þæt þú wylle, ic hyt ongynne, gyf mé onhagað impera quaevis dura, quae tamen in mea potestate sint, per quae me quo desidero perventurum esse non dubitem, Solil. H. 46, 5. Dó gehwá georne on Godes ést, be þám þe hine fyrmest onhagie (to the utmost extent of his ability), Hml. A. 141, 85 : Wlfst. 103, 5. II. where that which is in one's power, &c. , is denoted by tó. (1) with a case following :-- Forgife mé þæt mé tó ǽgðrum onhagige, Solil. H. 2, 16. Ic nebbe swá dýgela stówe þæt mé tó swilcum weorce onhagie, 4, 13. (2) with case preceding :-- Be þám þe ús tó onhagað, Hml. A. 24, 4 : Wlfst. 303, 6. (3) with dat. infin. :-- Þára hálgena þrowunga þe mé tó onhagode on Englisc tó áwendene, Hml. S. pref. 37. (3 a) where the infinitive is not expressed :-- Se cyning hine underféng and swá feola his geféran swá him tó onhagode, Chr. 1052; P. 176, 29. Swá mid byttfyllinge swá elles swá ús tóanhagie (sicut poterimus), Ll. Th. i. 236, 4. III. without tó. (1) with dat. infin. :-- Seó racu ðe mé onhagað ðé tó gerihtreccenne, Solil. H. 26, 7. Ne onhagað ús ná swíðor be dám tó sprecenne, Hml. Th. i. 488, 8. Ðæt ðætte hine ne onhagode útane forð tó brenganne mid weorcum, innane hé hit geðafode etsi rerum tarditas foras peccatum distulit, intus hoc consensionis opere voluntas implevit, Past. 417. 17. Hwæt hine anhagige tó sellanne, hwæt hé healdan scyle what is proper for him to give, what he is to keep, 341, 13. (2) with infinitive :-- Oft ðá monðwǽran weorðað swá besolcne . . . ðæt hié ne anhagað náne wuht nyttwyrðes dón saepe mansueti dissolutionis torpescunt taedio, Past. 289, 16. (3) with clause :-- Þá þe heora hláfordas freógean noldon, oþþe hié ne anhagade þæt hié mehten, Ors. 4, 9; S. 190, 34. on-hagian