On-styrian. i

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - on-styrian. i

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

on-styrian. I
in l. 1 after lichoma insert hine, and add :-- Ne myhton hig nåhwyder þå fæmnan onstyrian . . . sume sceufon, sume tugon, and sw&y-circ;ðe swætton . . . and seó Godes fæmne hwæðre stod, Shrn. 154, 25. Ne mihte hundteóntig oxena þone stån onstyrian (movere), Gr. D. 49, 10. Ongan ꝥ wrigels beón upp åhafen. Onstyredum þåm wrigelse . . . coepit operimentum sublevari. Quo commoto . . . , 160, 12. III. add: (1) where the passion or feeling excited is given (dat. or prep.) :-- Hié beóð anstyred (on-, ) mid hiera ierre, Past. 293, 23. Ic wæs swiðe mid hleahtre onstyred magno risu sum dissolutus, Nar. 19, 7. Wæs he miclum (mid miclum, v. l.) wylme and yrre onstyred nimio furore commotus, Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 23, 4. (2) where the exciting cause is given :-- Ðå wæs for his fromscype onstyred Ǽdon motus eius profectibus Aedan, Bd. 1, 34; Sch. 104, 15. v. in-styrian; un-onstyrod. on-styrian

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