
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - on-weald

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

Add: I. in a general sense, power, control over a person or thing :-- Ðæt úre geswinc ne sceolde bión on óðres monnes onwalde (an-, ), Past. 250, 2. II. of official rule. (1) secular :-- Hé wæs Rómánum swá milde swá him nán onwald næs ǽr þǽm, Ors. 6, 2; S. 254, 22. Hit hæfde Agustus him tó onwalde geseald, 6, 1; S. 254, 12. Hé betǽhte his twǽm sunum þone onwald, 6, 36; S. 294, 31. Rufinus wolde habban him self þone anwold, 6, 37; S. 296, 6. Wé witon þæt ealle onwealdas from Gode sindon; wé witon eác þæt ealle rícu sint from him, for þon ealle onwealdas of ríce sindon si potestates a Deo sunt, quanto magis regna, a quibus reliquae potestates progrediuntur, 2, 1; S. 58, 23-25. Þá gewearð hí ꝥ hié woldon þá onwaldas forlǽtan and þá purpuran álecgan . . . Hí léton þá onwealdas tó Galeriuse and tó Constantiuse . . . Hé wæs hwón giernende micelra onwalda, 6, 30; S. 280, 20-29. Þá hié gesomnod wǽron, and hiene tó cyninge dón woldon, þá ne mehton hié þá gúðfonan úp áhebban. Swá hiora þeáw wæs, þonne hié onwaldas setton (when they appointed governments), 6, 4; S. 260, 2. (1 a) with gen. of persons over whom power is exercised :-- Ilirice gesetton Ueteromonem tó hiora anwealde in Illyrico Vetranionem imperatorem sibi milites creaverunt, Ors. 6, 31; S. 284, 20. Féng Iuninianus tó Rómána onwalde, 6, 32; S. 286, 24. (2) ecclesiastical :-- Sum bisceop wearð for þám gedwylde ádrǽfed of his anwealde, Hml. S. 31, 839. (3) divine :-- Wuldor and onwæld gloriam et imperium, Rtl. 22, 6. [v. N. E. D. on-wald.] [On-weald should be taken under an-weald.] on-weald

Verwandte Wörter: l.
