
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - on-wendan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

I. to turn, change :-- Ðú hí onwendest mutabis ea, Ps. Th. 101, 23. Hé onwendeþ his hiw, Lchdm. ii. 204, 9. Werþióde his (the morning-star) noman onwendaþ, hátaþ hine ǽfenstiorra, Met. 29, 29. Mé onhwyrfdon of ðære gecynde ðe ic ǽr beheóld, onwendan míne wísan, Exon. Th. 485, 29; Rä. 72, 5. Onwend ðec in gewitte think differently, 251, 12; Jul. 144. On ðæs bisceopes anwealde ðæt biþ hwæðer hé hit onwende ðe ná utrum mutet an non, L. Ecg. C. 33; Th. ii. 158, 13. Ða menn ðeáh wisston ðæt hió mid ðam drýcræfte ne mihte ðara manna mód onwendan ðeáh hió ða líchoman onwende nec potentia gramina, membra quae valeant licet, corda vertere non valent, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 196, 8-10: Met. 26, 101-104. Ðú ne meaht hiora sidu and heora gecynd onwendan, 7, 2; Fox 18, 31. Nis mé tíd mín líf tó onwendenne non est mihi tempus vitam mutandi, Bd. 5, 14. S. 634, 32. Onwended ne biþ ǽfre tó ealdre, Exon. Th. 203, 11; Ph. 82. Nán gewuna ne mæg nánum men beón onwended, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 23. Gif ðú wénst ðæt hit on ðé gelong sé ðæt ða woruldsǽlþa on ðé swá onwenda sint ðonne eart dú on gedwolan tu, fortunam putas erga te esse mutatam? erras, 7, 2; Fox 16, 30. II. to change one thing for another, to exchange :-- Heó wæs genumen of middanearde and eall ðæt sár and ðone deáþ mid écre hǽlo and lífe onwende, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 7. III. to turn, change a direction, to avert, divert, turn aside :-- Nǽfre gé mec of ðissum wordum onwendaþ ðendan mec mín gewit gelǽsteþ, Exon. Th. 124, 33; Gú. 347. 'Onwend ðé tó ðé sylfum' ... Hé hine ðá onwende from ðisse worlde begangum, Blickl. Homl. 113, 26-30. Onwende hé his neb áweg, Lchdm. ii. 284, 15. Nǽfre ðú ðæs swíðlíc sár gegearwast ðæt ðú mec onwende ðissa worda, Exon. Th. 246, 5; Jul. 57. Wénst ðú ðæt ðú ðæt hwerfende hweól, ðonne hit on ryne wyrþ, mǽge oncyrran? Ne miht ðú ðon má ðara woruldsǽlþa hwearfunga onwendan, Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 37. Ne mihtehæleþ weán onwendan, Beo. Th. 384; B. 191: Exon. Th. 130, 19; Gú. 440. Ðara unstillena gesceafta styring ne mæg nó weorþan onwend of ðam ryne ðe him geset is, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 4. Bróc biþ onwended of his rihtryne, Met. 5, 19. Biþ him se wela onwended, and wyrþ him wíte gegearwod, Cd. Th. 28, 5; Gen. 431: Blickl. Homl. 195, 28. Sýn hié from heora wónessum onwende, 109, 20. IV. to change the position of a thing, to invert, turn upside down, (a) literal :-- Sceal mín ród onwended beón; mín heáfod sceal beón on eorþan gecyrred, and míne fét tó heofenum gereahte, Blickl. Homl. 191, 5. Onwendedre endebyrdnysse ordine prepostero, Wrt. Voc. ii. 64, 33. (b) figurative, to subvert, disturb, upset :-- Hond synfulra ne onwendeþ (moveat) mec, Ps. Surt. 35, 12. Ðis is ðæt mennisc ðe ealle míne dǽda mid heora wordum (destroyed by their words the effect that my actions should produce), ðæt hié mé ne gelyfdon, Blickl. Homl. 175, 25. Næ síe tó ðon gedurstig, ne cyning, næ bisceop, ðæt ðǽs mínæ gife onwændæ (commoveat), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. the grant of certain dues) onwenden, Ch. Th. 29, 14: Cd. Th. 26, 11; Gen. 405. Hwæt miht ðú his onwendan? Nú hé hafaþ ealle ðíne þeóstro geflémed, Blickl. Homl. 85, 21. Sibb áfre ne mæg wiht onwendan ðam ðe wel þenceþ nothing can destroy the ties of kindred in the case of a right-minded man, Beo. Th. 5195; B. 2601. Hé (Julian) wolde ðone Cristendóm onwendan, Ors. 6, 31; Swt. 286, 3. Hié ealle ða worold on hiora ágen gewill onwendende (evertendo) wǽron, 1, 10; Swt. 48, 10. Eall heofona mægen biþ onwended and onhréred, Blickl. Homl. 91, 27: 93, 13. Biþ se maga onwent and tóbrocen, Lchdm. ii. 218, 18. V. to cause to change for the worse, to give a wrong direction, pervert :-- Se yfela déma onwendeþ ðone rihtan dóm for ðæs feós lufon, Blickl. Homl. 61, 31. Hié (bribes) wísra monna word onwendaþ, L. Alf. 46; Th. i. 54, 18. Beorht wǽron burgræced ... meodoheall monig mandreáma full óþ ðæt ðæt onwende wyrd seó swíðe until fate wrought disastrous change, Exon. Th. 477, 15; Ruin. 25. Drync unheórne, se onwende gewit wera, Andr. Kmbl. 69; An. 35. Mid ðý ðe hié ðone drenc druncon, hraþe heora mód wæs onwended, Blickl. Homl. 229, 14. Is mín flǽsc frécne onwended caro mea immutata est, Ps. Th. 108, 24. VI. intrans. To return :-- Heora gást gangeþ onwendeþ on ða eorþan ðe hí of cómon exiet spiritus ejus, et revertetur in terram suam, 145, 3. v. á-wendan. on-wendan

Verwandte Wörter: 218, 28. Nǽfre ic ne míne lástweardas geþrístlǽcen ðæt heó hit (
