
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - on-wreón

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

to uncover, disclose :-- Ne onwríh ðú ne reveles, Kent. Gl. 960. Onwreónde discooperiens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 73. I. literal, to uncover, open, remove a covering :-- Hé his hrægl onwrág retecto vestimento, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 23. Ðá onwrigon hí hire ondwliton discooperto vultus indumento, 4, 19; S. 589, 16. Onwreóh (-wríh, Ps. Surt.) eágan mine, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 18. Onwreón ða duru ðæs geteldes, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 14. II. figurative, to make known, shew forth, reveal, discover :-- Heó onwríhþ hire ǽwelm, donne heó geopenaþ hiore þeáwas, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 25. Hé his miltse onwreáh, Blickl. Homl. 107, 20. Ðá com yrnan sum olbenda, and se cwæþ ... 'Ne tódǽlaþ gé ðara háligra líchoman' ... ðá dydon hý swá him ðæt dumbe neát onwreáh, Shrn. 136, 2. Ic ðé háte ðæt ðú ðás gesyhþe secge mannum, onwreóh wordum ðæt hit is wuldres beám, Rood Kmbl. 191; Kr. 97. Bæd ðæt hé him on spellum gecýðde, onwrige worda gongum, hú ..., Exon. Th. 171, 29; Gú. 1134. Iudas ðé mæg sóð gecýðan, onwreón wyrda gerýno, Elen. Kmbl. 1174; El. 589. Ðú scealt biddan ðæt móte beón open and onwrigen hwæt hé sý, Blickl. Homl. 185, 4: Bd. 2, 12; S. 512, 32. Is onwrigen wyrda bigang, Elen. Kmbl. 2245; El. 1124. III. to shew the (hidden) meaning of anything, to explain :-- Ic wéne ðæt ðás word ne sind eów fullcúðe, gif wé hí openlícor eów ne onwreóþ, Homl. Th. i. 580, 27. Augustinus ús onwreáh ðissere rǽdinge andgit, ii. 384, 21. Ðás word sind sceortlíce gesǽde, and eów is neód ðæt wé hí swutelícor eów onwreón, i. 278, 14. Onwrión explicare, Kent. Gl. 1152. IV. to shew, display so as to avoid concealment :-- Ðá seó fǽmne onwráh ryhtgerýno, Exon. Th. 12, 34; Cri. 195. Onwreóh (-wríh, Ps. Surt.) Gode ðíne wegas, Ps. Th. 36, 5. Gif his sáule gyltas óðerum monnum dígle beóþ and him sylfum cúðe, mid his andetnesse onwreó ða his abbode, R. Ben. 72, 5. V. to display what is bad, to expose :-- God hine (the sorcerer) onwrýhþ gyt, ðeáh ðe wit hine ne geopenian, Blickl. Homl. 187, 17. Seó hálige ǽ forbeódeþ ða sceondlícnysse onwreón mǽgsibba ... Ne onwreóh ðú sceondlícnysse ðínes fæder ... se ðe gedyrstigaþ onwreón ða sceondlícnysse his steópméder ... se onwríhþ his fæder sceondlícnysse, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 6-16. Womdǽda onwreón, Exon. Th. 270, 18; Jul. 467. VI. of the operations of the Deity, to reveal :-- Dryhten ðú ðe ðás þing onwrige lytlingum, Mt. Kmbl. ii. 25. Hit ðé ne onwreáh flǽsc ne blód, ac mín Fæder, 16, 17: Bd. 2, 12; S. 512, 24. Áne bóc on his wítegunge, ðe him God sylf onwreáh, Ælfc. T. Grn. 9, 44. Ðeáh ðe him God onwríge wísdómes gǽst, Exon. Th. 273, 14; Jul. 516. Ðam ðe se sunu wyle ðone Fæder onwreón, Mt. Kmbl. ii. 27. Drihten hire forþfóre wæs geeáþmódad tó onwreónne, Bd. 4, 23; S. 595, 36. Sum gesihþ ðe God ðysan menn onwreogan hæfþ, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 747. [O. H. Ger. int-ríhan revelare.] on-wreon