Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - pening
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
penning, pending, penig, pennig, es;
- pening
- m. A penny (1) referring to other than English coinage :-- Ðes peningc (pening, penig) hic as, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Zup. 50, 14. Fals pening paracaraximus, Wrt. Voc. i. 57, 34. Penninge hymenis (?), ii. 96, 71. Peninge, 43, 27. Bringaþ mé ðone pening (denarium), Mk. Skt. 12, 15. Ðá brohton hí him ǽnne peninc (penig, MS. A. : penning, Lind.), Mt. Kmbl. 22, 19. Hé sealde ǽlcon ǽnne penig (penning, Lind.) ... Ðá onféngon hig ǽlc his pening (suindrigo penningas, Lind.) ... syadrige penegas singulos denarios, 20, 2-10. Pening, Homl. Th. ii. 78, 27. Mé sind wana penegas desunt mihi nummi, Ælfc. Gr. 32; Som. 36, 37. Wé eác wiernaþ úrum cildum úrra peninga mid tó plegianne pueris nummos subtrahimus, Past. 50, 4; Swt. 391, 27. Hig sealdon hine wið þrítigum penegum, Gen. 37, 28. (2) of English coinage, a silver coin, the 240th part of a pound :-- Fíf penegas gemaciaþ ǽnne scillingc, and xxx. penega ǽnne mancs, Ælfc. Gr. 50; Som. 52, 8. Gá seó wǽge wulle tó .cxx. p. (tó healfan punde, MS. G.), L. Edg. ii. 8; Th. i. 270, 3. Tén hund (pund?) peñd ... Gedǽle hé ǽlcum Godes þiówe peñd ... þreóténe hund (pund ?) pending, Chart. Th. 471, 5-26. xiii. pund pendingæ, 474. 9. Mid .denarii meri), L. Alf. pol. 3 ; Th. i. 62, 10. Gif mon men eáge of ásleá, geselle him mon .lx. scill. and .vi. scill. and .vi. pæningas and þriddan ðǽl pæningas (peniges, MS. H.) tó bóte, 47; Th. i. 94. 3-5. Hire mægþhádes wurð, ðæt synd twelf scillingas be twelf penigon (cf. Se rihtscylling byþ á be .xii. penegum legitimus solidus semper est .xii. denariorum, L. Ecg. P. iv. 60; Th. ii. 222, 7), Ex. 21, 10. (3) as a weight, pennyweight :-- Án uncia stent on feówer and twentig penegum. Twelf síðon twelf penegas beóþ on ánum punde, Anglia viii. 335. 17. Pund ealoþ gewihþ .vi. penegum máre ðonne pund wætres, and .i. pund wínes gewihþ .xv. penegum máre ðonne .i. pund wætres, etc., Lchdm. ii. 298, 16-26. Gegníd on mortere ðæne pening gewege, 18, 3: 134, 25. Swylce swá .iii. penegas gewegen, 52, 13: 110, 17. Wið lúsum ; cwic seolfor, án pening seolfres, 124, 24. Drenc biþ on peninge the dose will be a pennyweight, 272, 24. Ceorf nygan penegas cut up nine pennyweights, iii. 8, 2. Man ðysses wyrttruman genime týn penega gewihte, i. 260, 17. Hý man wegeþ, swá man déþ gold wið penegas, and gif ða penegas teóþ swíðor ðonne ðæt gold, ðonne miswyrþ ðam men hraðe, Wulfst. 240, 2-4. [O. L. Ger. penning : O. Frs. panning : O. H. Ger. pfenning, pfenting: Icel. penningr.] v. ælmes-, healf-, heorþ-, hundred-, Róm-, seam-pening. pening