
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - portic

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

es ;

m. I. a porch, covered entrance, portico :-- Portic porticus, Ælfc. Gr. 11 ; Som. 15, 22 : Wrt. Voc. i. 58, 2. Se mere hæfþ fíf porticas. On ðám porticon læg mycel menigeo geádludra, Jn. Skt.5, 2-3. II. an enclosed place, a place roofed in :-- Sinewealt cleofa vel portic absida, lytle porticas cancelli, Wrt. Voc. i. 58, 34, 37. Ic Eádwine munek læi innan mínan portice (cell) anbútan nóntíde, Chart. Th. 321, 31. Portic abscidam (absidam), Wrt. Voc. ii. 97, 45. III. part of a church, porch, vestibule; also an arched recess. 'Porticus aedis sacrae propylaeum in porticus formam exstructum, in quo consistebant Catechumeni et Poenitentes : improprie pro sanctuarium, seu orientalis ecclesiae pars in qua majus altare erigi solet,' Du Cange :-- Hálig portic sanctuarium, Ps. Surt. 72, 17 : 73. 7 : 82, 13. Of ðæs portices dura þærsc-wolde wæs gesýne ðæt ða swaðo wǽron ǽrest útwearde ongunnen ... Ðeós circe mid ðýs portice mihte húhwego fíf hund manna befón, Blickl. Homl. 207, 10-14. His líchaman Eorcenwald on portice (in porticu) his cyrcan sumre geheóld ... Ðá dydon hí his líchaman up of ðam portice and on cyrcan neáh weofode byrgan wolde, Bd. 3, 19 ; S. 550, 5-10. Wæs hé bebyriged on Sce Paules portice (porticu), se is on Sce Andreas cyricean, 5, 23; S. 645, 18. His líchoma on ðære cyricean norþportice (porticu aquilonali) wæs bebyriged; in ðam eác swylce ealra ðæra æfter-fylgendra ærcebiscopa líchoman syndon bebyrged bútan twegra ; heora líchaman sindon on ðære cyricean sylfre gesette, forðan ðe on ðone fore-cwedenan portic má ne mihte, 2, 3; S. 504, 34-38. Ðæt hé wíbedas sette and porticas worhte and tódǽlde binnan ðære cyricean weallum ut poneret altaria, distinctis porticibus intra muros ecclesiae, 5, 20; S. 641, 42. Synd þrý porticas emb ða ciricean útan geworhte, and ða ealle fægere ufan oferworhte and oferhrýfde, Blickl. Homl. 125, 23. [O. H. Ger. pforzih porticus, vestibulum, peribolus, atrium.]

Verwandte Wörter: húsel-, norþ-, súþ-portic. portic
