Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - prica
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- prica
- m. pricu (e), an, e (?) ; f. I. a point, spot, dot :-- Prica punctus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 7; Som. 32, 57. Se forma prica on ðam ferse is geháten media distinctio, ðæt is, onmiddan tóðál, 50 ; Som. 51, 15. Mǽltanges prica centrum, Wrt. Voc. i. 39, 62. Án i oððe án prica ne gewít fram ðære ǽ iota unum aut unus apex non praeteribit a lege, Mt. Kmbl. 5, 18. Ðonne miht ðú ongitan ðæt eorþan ymbhwyrft is eall wið ðone heofon tó mettanne swylce án lytel pricu (lytlu price, Cott. MS.) on brádan brede omnem terrae ambitum ad coeli spatium puncti constat obtinere rationem, Bt. 18, 1 ; Fox 62, 4. Swilce án prica (price, Cott. MS.), Fox 62, 20. Hé sǽde ðæt eal ðes miðdaneard nǽre ðé máre dríges landes ofer ðone mycelan gársecg, ðonne man ǽnne prican ápricce on ánum brádum brede, Wulfst. 146, 21. Heó hæfþ on ǽghwylcum leáfe twá endebyrdnyssa fægerra pricena, and ða scínaþ swá gold, Lchdm. i. 188, 14. II. a very small portion (cf. Fr. ne point) (a) of space :-- Ne gǽþ,heora náðer ǽnne prican ofer ðam ðe him gesette is, Lchdm. iii. 252, 17. (b) of time, the fourth or fifth part of an hour :-- Feówer puncti, ðæt synt prican, wyrcaþ áne tíd on ðære sunnan ryne, and forðan ys se prica gecweden forðan seó sunne ástíhþ pricmǽlum on ðam dæg-mǽle ... Syx and hundnigontig prican beóþ on ðam dæge, and ða prican habbaþ minuta twá hund and feówertig, Anglia viii. 317, 16-24. Se án dæg hæfþ syx and hundnigontig prica (?) ... feówer prica (?) gewyrceaþ áne tíd, 318, 10, 46 : 320, 12 (cf. prican, l. 20). In Lchdm. iii. 222 the prica is a fifth of an hour :-- On ánre nihta éald móna, and on .xxix. scinþ .iiii. pricena lengce. On twegra nihta eald móna, and on .xxviii. scinþ áne tíd and iii pricena, etc.: cf. with the calculations on this page the statement at 242, 7 :-- Dæghwamlíce ðæs mónan leóht byþ weaxende oððe waniende feówer prican. See also Homl. Th. i. 102, 30. prica