
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - rǽd

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m. I. counsel, advice :-- Rǽd consilium, Wrt. Voc. i. 73, 23. Ðæt hit nǽfre næs náðer ne his gewile, ne his geweald, ne his rǽd, L. C. S. 76; Th. i. 418, 12. Is micel þearf ðisse þeóde helpes and rǽdes, Wulfst. 243, 5 : Elen. Kmbl. 1103; El. 553. Sum woruldwita wæs swýðe wís on rǽde Acitofel geháten ... Ðá wæs se Acitofel mid Absalone on rǽde and rǽdde him hú hé mihte beswícan his fæder, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 196-203. Ðíne heortan tó rǽde gecyr turn thine heart to listen to good advice, Blickl. Homl. 113, 27. On ðone Drihten næs ic æt rǽde ne æt dǽde, ðǽr man mid unrihte N. orf ætferede, L. O. 3; Th. i. 178, 17. Gyf mon ðone hláford teó ðæt hé (the accused person) be his rǽde út hleópe, L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 282, 5, 12. Gif þeów ete his sylfes rǽde if a slave eat flesh during a fast of his own accord (i. e. when his master does not give the meat. to give good advice (cf. sellan hálwende geþeahte, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 14), pref. ; Erl. 3, 10. Rǽd sóhtan consulunt, Wrt. Voc. ii. 21, 3. II. counsel, prudence, intelligence :-- Nis nán wisdóm ne nán rǽd náht ongeán God, Homl. Th. i. 82, 14. Ongeán ðam wíslícan rǽde ðe of Godes ágenre gyfe cymþ, se wiðerrǽda deófol sǽwþ réceleásnesse, Wulfst. 53, 6. Se man ána hæfþ gesceád and rǽd and andgit, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 99. III. counsel, course of action that results from deliberation, plan, a resolution taken after deliberation, ordinance, decree :-- Sý ðes rǽd gemǽne eallum leódscipe, L. Edg. S. 2; Th. i. 272, 33. Se rǽd wæs ǽfre on his rǽdfæstum geþance, ðæt hé wircan wolde ða wunderlícan gesceafta, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 4. Hé him tó rǽde genom ðæt ... cui rei consilium utile ratus est, ut ... Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 166, 27. Hé Rómánum tó rǽde gelǽrde, ðæt hié fóren on Hannibales land, 4, 10; Swt. 200, 1. On ðisum rǽde (the conspiracy against William Rufus) wæs Oda, Chr. 1087; Erl. 224, 5. Ðæne rǽd (paying the Danes) gerǽdde Síríc, 991; Erl. 131, 19. Rǽd geþencean, Cd. Th. 19, 4; Gen. 286 : 35, 28; Gen. 561. Rǽd áhicgan, 122, 24; Gen. 2031 : 131, 24; Gen. 2181. Rǽdas consulta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 19, 54 : consulta, consilia, 133, 80 : Hpt. Gl. 504. 75 : decreta, judicia, edicta, 433. 19. Gelǽrdan biscepas swelce níwe rǽdas swelce hié fol oft ǽr ealde gedydan, Ors. 4, 7; Swt. 184, 2. Manna wísdóm and heore rǽdas syndon náhtlíce ongeán Godes geþeaht, Chr. 979; Erl. 129, 26. IV. what is advisable, benefit, advantage :-- Rǽd opere pretium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 64, 31. Rǽd biþ gif hé nimþ mealwan it will be worth his while to take mallow, Lchdm. ii. 238, 13. Biþ nú micel rǽd, ðæt hé him gebycge ðæt éce líf, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 122. Ðonne biþ hire rǽd ðæt frýnd ða forword habban, L. Edm. B. 7; Th. i. 256, 2. Ðæt heó ús sý þingere ondweardes rǽdes and éces wuldres that she be for us an advocate for present profit and eternal glory, Blickl. Homl. 159, 34. Hí him tó rǽde and tó frófre fundon aliquid commodi adlaturum putabant, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 7 : 2, 5; S. 507, 31. Ðis him tó rǽde gecuron hoc esse tutius decernebant, 1, 23; S. 485, 34. Tó rǽde Angelcynne to the advantage of the English, 2, 1; S. 501, 39 : Blickl. Homl. 199, 30 : 205, 12. Tó hǽle and tó rǽde, 227, 4. Ðam þeódscype tó langsuman rǽde to the lasting benefit of the nation, L. I. P. 4; Th. ii. 308, 6. Eów sylfum tó rǽde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 12, 2. Rǽd áredian to determine what is advisable, L. Eth. vi. 40; Th. i. 324, 28. Ða ðe heora sylfra rǽd forlǽtaþ those who forsake their own advantage, Blickl. Homl. 103, 16. Rǽda fyrmest ðæt manna gehwylc ofer ealle óðre þinc ǽnne God lufige, L. I. P. 24; Th. ii. 338, 1. V. a council :-- Hé eode tó ðæra Judéiscra rǽde and befrán, hwæt hí him feós geúðon, Homl. Th. ii. 242, 16. Se cyng beád heom ðæt hí cómon mid. xii. mannum intó ðæs cynges rǽde, Chr. 1048; Erl. 180, 11. VI. as a part of proper names, generally under the form réd (red ?). For a list of such names v. Txts, 603 sqq., and for similar O. H. Ger. names v. Grff. ii. 463. [O. Sax. rád : O. Frs. réd : O. H. Ger. rát : Icel. ráð.] v. feorh-, folc-, mis-, un-rǽd. ræd

Verwandte Wörter: the paragraph which precedes), L. Wih. 15; Th. i. 40, 11. Ráde, 10; Th. i. 38, 21. Ic ðá féng on mínne ágenne réd, Chart. Th. 322, 10. Gehýr míne word and mínne rǽd, Ex. 18, 19. Ðæt hí ðæs cynges rǽd hæfdon and his fultum and ealra witena, Chr. 1048; Erl. 178, 22. Rǽd gelǽran
