Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - riht
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- riht
- adj. I. of direction, (a) literally, straight, erect, direct :-- Seó heá ród ryht árǽred raised erect, Exon. Th. 66, 3; Cri. 1066. Rihtes síþfætes directi callis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 55. Rihtre directo, 27, 69. Rihtre stíge recto tramite, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 8. Faran be rihtum wege (via publica), Num. 20, 17. Ðeós wyrt hafaþ rihte stelan, Lchdm. i. 316, 8. Wæs ðæt ilce hús hwemdragen, nalas æfter gewunan mennisces weorces ðæt ða wǽgas wǽron rihte, ac git swíðor on scræfes onlícnesse ðæt wæs æteówed, and gelómlíce ða stánas swá of óðrum clife út sceoredon, Blickl. Homl. 207, 17-20. Ðá áxode is hwylc se weg tó ðære eá ealra ríhtost wǽre, Glostr. Frg. 108, 28. Hé ðan rihtestan wege ðyder tó geférde, Guthl. 3; Gdwin. 20, 12. (b) metaphorically, right, straight :-- Ða men ðe bearn habban, tǽcean him lífes weg and rihtne gang tó heofonum, Blickl. Homl. 109, 18. Ic him lífes weg rihtne gerýmde, Rood Kmbl. 175; Kr. 89. Hí ðá gelǽdde lífes ealdor ðǽr hí on rihtne weg (in viam rectam) eodan, Ps. Th. 106, 6. Wǽrun Godes mínes gangas rihte, 67, 23. Dóþ hys síðas rihte (ræhta, Lind.) rectas facite semitas ejus, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 3. I a. right; dexter. II. agreeable to the spirit of law, human or divine, just, equitable :-- Hwí ne déme gé ðæt riht (justum) is? Lk. Skt. 12, 57. Démað rihtne dóm justum judicium judicate, Jn. Skt. 7, 24. Rihte syndon ðíne dómas, Blickl. Homl. 89, 6. Beóþ rúmmóde ryhtra gestreóna liberal of gains justly acquired, Exon. Th. 106, 31; Gú. 49. III. satisfying the requirements of a law or regulation, legitimate, lawful, regular :-- Riht canonicus a regular canon, L. Ælfc. C. 5; Th. ii. 344, 12. Heora riht cyning legitimus rex, Bd. 4, 26; S. 603, 18. On rihtre ǽwe in lawful marriage, Wulfst. 304, 21. Ða ðe on rihtum hǽmede beóþ qui in legitimo matrimonio sunt, L. Ecg. C. 25; Th. ii. 150, 22. Ða men ðe bearn habban, lǽran hié ðám rihtne þeódscipe (regular discipline), Blickl. Homl. 109, 17. On rihtne tíman (cf, on gesetne tíman, Th. ii. 296, 3) tída ringan, L. Edg. C. 45; Th. ii. 254, 5. IV. satisfying the demands of conduct, right, proper, fitting :-- Ys hit riht ðæt man ðam cásere gafol sylle licet nobis dare tributum caesari, Lk. Skt. 20, 22. Riht ðæt is ðæt ealle geleáffulle men ðis feówertig daga on for-hæfdnesse lifgean, Blickl. Homl. 35, 8. Hé nǽfre nǽnigum woruldrícum men swíðor onbúgan nolde, ðonne hit riht wǽre, 223, 29. Mé ðæt riht ne þinceþ, ðæt ic óleccan áwiht þurfe Gode, Cd. Th. 19, 11; Gen. 289. Reáfode, swá hit riht ne wæs, beám on bearwe, 55, 29; Gen. 901 : Byrht. Th. 137, 23; By. 190. Gif hire forþsíð getímige ǽr him, ðonne is hit rihtast ðæt hé ðanon forþ búton ǽlcum wífe wunige, Wulfst. 304, 23. Sáulscat is rihtast ðæt man gelǽste aa æt openum græfe, 311, 12. V. satisfying the requirements of a standard, right, correct, true, orthodox :-- Riht gewrit orthography, Ælfc. Gr. 50, 16; Som. 51, 22. Hwæt réce wé hwæt wé sprecan búton hit riht sprǽc (recta locutio) sý, Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 14. Eálá ðætte ðis moncyn wǽre gesǽlig gif heora mód wǽre swá riht and swá geendebyrd swá swá ða óðre gesceafta sindon O felix hominum genus, si vestros animos amor, quo coelum regitur, regat, Bt. 21; Fox 76, 1. Hit is swíðe ryht spell ðæt Plato sǽde ... Ða cwæþ ic : 'Ic eom geþafa ðæt ðæt wæs sóþ spell ðæt Plato sǽde,' 35, 1-2; Fox 156, 8-14. Hé wæs riht cyning he (Constantine) was a true king, Elen. Kmbl. 26; El. 13. Ðæt is se rihta geleáfa, Blickl. Homl. 21, 17 : Bd. 1, 21; S. 485, 9. Ðonne wile hé onfón rihtre ondetnesse (true confession), Blickl. Homl. 155, 1. Mid rihtum ondgite, 63, 29. Hé ongon hí lǽran ðæt hí rihte sibbe betwih him hæfdon . . . Hí ne woldan rihte Eástran healdan on heora tíd coepit eis suadere ut pace Catholica secum habita . . . Non Paschae Dominicum diem suo tempore observabant, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 8-11 : 5, 19; S. 638, 33. Sum mæg godcunde reccan ryhte ǽ one can expound the law divine and true, Exon. Th. 42, 11; Cri. 671. Hæbbe ǽlc man rihtne anmittan and rihte wǽgan and rihte gemetu ðæt hig náðer ne sín ne læssan ne máran ðonne hit riht sig pondus habebis justum et verum et modius aequalis et verus erit tibi, Deut. 25, 15. [Goth. raihts : O. Sax. reht : O. Frs. riucht : O. H. Ger. reht rectus, justus, aequus : Icel. réttr.] v. forþ-, ge-, on-, un-riht, and the compounds of which riht is the first part. riht