Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - riht-líc
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- riht-líc
- adj. I. right, just :-- Rihtlíc fas, justum, Hpt. Gl. 460, 16. Ic tócwýse eówer deófolgyld, and biþ ðonne rihtlíc geþúht ðæt gé geswýcon eówres gedwyldes, Homl. Th. i. 70, 33. Gif hiora hwilc swá heardheort wǽre, ðæt hé náne hreówsunge ne dyde, ðæt hé ðonne hæfde rihtlíc wíte, Bt. 41, 3; Fox 248, 16. II. right, fitting, adapted to due requirements :-- Hú wolde ðé lícian gif hwylc swíðe ríce cyning wǽre and næfde nǽnne frýne mon on eallon his ríce, ac wǽron ealle þeówe. Ðá cwæþ ic : 'Ne þúhte hit mé náuht rihtlíc, ne eác gerisenlíc, gif him sceoldan þeówe men þénigan,' 41, 2; Fox 244, 26. Rihtlíc ðæt wæs ðæt se blinda be ðæm wege sǽte wædliende; forðon ðe Drihten sylfa cwæþ : 'Ic eom weg sóðfæstnesse,' Blickl. Homl. 17, 30 : 29, 17. II a. adapted, fitted, entitled :-- Ðeáh beóþ ða foremǽrran and rihtlícran tó herigenne ða ðe beóþ mid cræftum gewyrðode, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 24. III. right, in accordance with reason :-- Ðæt wǽre rihtlíc tó ongytenne (merito intelligendum) ðæt ealle ða ðe Godes willan worhton, fram ðam ðe hí gesceapene wǽron, ðæt hí ðonne wǽron fram him éce méde tó onfónne, Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 21. IV. right as regards conduct, righteous :-- Ðæt biþ rihtlíc líf, ðæt cniht þurhwunige on his cnihtháde, óþ ðæt hé on rihtre mǽdenǽwe gewífige, L. I. P. 22; Th. ii. 332, 28. Ðonne mon hwæt ryhtlíces and gerisenlíces geþencþ quando et si qua jam justa, si qua honesta cogitantur, Past. 21, 3; Swt. 155, 24. Ðonne hé ðæm ryhtlícum inngeþonce his hiéremonna foresægþ ða diéglan sǽtenga ðæs lytegan feóndes quando rectae intentioni audientium hostis callidi circumspectas insidias praedicit, 21, 5; Swt. 163, 13. Eahta sweras syndon ðe rihtlícne cynedóm trumlíce up wegaþ there are eight pillars that firmly sustain a rightly conducted royal authority, L. I. P. 3; Th. ii. 306, 19. [O. H. Ger. reht-líh fas, jus, justus, regularis, canonicus : O. L. Ger. reht-, riht-lík : O. Frs. riucht-lik : Icel. rétt-legr just, due, meet.] riht-lic