Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sceáda
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- sceáda
- f. (?)), an; m. The top of the head, parting of the hair :-- Hé tófylleþ feaxes scádan conquassabit verticem capilli, Ps. Th. 67, 21. [Crulle was his heer, and as the gold it schon . . . Ful streyt and evene lay his joly schood. Miller's Tale, 130. The nayl y-dryven in the schode a-nyght. Knight's Tale, 1149. Halliwell's Dict. shed, and E. D. S. Pub. Lincolnshire, shed the parting of the hair. Cf. Prompt. Parv. schodynge of the heede discrimen: O. L. Ger. scéthlo, sceithlo vertex (capilli): O. H. Ger. sceitila vertex; fahs-sceitila cervix capilli.] v. preceding word. sceada